Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Headed to the ocean! Yah :) If I don't forget I will bring my camera. Hopefully its not to chilly out. Roxy needs a good run and I, a MUCH needed day at the sea.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Metal stars and painting

Finished up two unique pieces featuring holiday heads on heavy metal stars. Those you can find in my Etsy shop and to finish out the week a very sweet garden carrot folk art girl. That can be found on my website. Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

artist proofs

I am offering something new this year. I have decided to sell "my" artist proofs from enesco. Available now are two not yet released Santa's for 2009. If you are not sure what "artist proofs" are please visit either my Halloween page or my other holiday sculpture page for a link.

Here is the link: http://pumpkin-seeds.com/POenescartistproofs.htm

New acrylic - collage style paintings

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Piccolo Pete and Uncle Sam now available for your 4th of July celebration!

Graduation 09 yaaah!

My daughter Kate graduated high school last night. It was a beautiful ceremony held at the Hult Center here in Eugene. As you can see my girl is gleeming :) Congrat's Kate!!!! (And Rebecca!)

Friday, June 12, 2009


My Etsy shop has been updated with 5 new small sculptures (approx 4 inches). This listing shows just the cherry tree guy but in that posting you can purchase any of these listed here. Just took the easy route this time :) Buy two and get FREE shipping! HURRY!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Here's a full on peek at what's available on the 13th at spookytimejingles.com!
Also in the works are some mushroom men, a tree piece and a couple of ghastly ghosts! These
will be up for sale probably tomorrow. All will be VERY affordable. We are coming
up on the Halloween season here. Its time to start adding 2009 pieces to last years collection!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Finished up two paintings today. One is a Day of the Dead Sisters theme done in acrylics and collage papers and the other is a silly skelly celebrating the 4th of July. Both of these are stained and crackled. And both can be found on my website www.pumpkin-seeds.com xoxo

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This week I am preparing for spookytimejingle's monthly artist upload. What's in the works? One Christmas bird and one aviator Halloween bird. What is that? You will have to visit spookytimejingles.com on the 13th to see!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Monster painting

I took some time today to do a little something for me. This time of year is very busy for me so when I get a chance I squeeze in a little something fun. Its an acrylic painting of a monster and his buddy. This is for sale thru my Etsy shop. My dog Roxy was terrified of it. Not sure why??!!

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop
