Thursday, August 26, 2021

Mystery boxes!

Making room for 2021 holiday season...

Offering new MYSTERY BOXES! Huge discounts on wonderful artwork! From the listings or lots you can choose the holiday themes. I added quantity and value. That's it! No reject art. I toss those out. Some boxes contain full wire leg characters. Some has mini's and some don't. That's the only hints you get! 

Search for Mystery boxes in my search on my website.

These would make GREAT affordable gifts this holiday season. 

Thanks for your patronage!


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Monday, August 9, 2021

Forgot in last post.... 10% off sale!

 10% off all artwork over 25.00!

Halloween Skelly fishing in an Autumn pond!

 Halloween Skelly fishing in an Autumn pond with pumpkins, leaf's, rocks, lily's and pumpkin fish! The pond is even "wet".... I used resin for a clear wet look. Fun piece!

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop