Saturday, January 26, 2008

HallOween and CaTs galore!

Just listed some Halloween Rattlers and a cute Halloween ghouls out to sea piece on my site. Also I have a bunch of folk art cats available. If you are looking for original pieces now is the time to take a peek. Links on the front page of

Here is a sample

Saturday, January 19, 2008

New ACEO's just added to my ebay page.
Corn maze and Lightening bug are originals and very sweet!
Gotta love Halloween...

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Just got back from the gift ware show in Atlanta. Enesco again, made this trip extremely wonderful and very unforgettable. The Pumpkinseeds folk art line did fabulously and next year 4 more lines will be introduced. For a handful of pictures of what the Pumpkinseeds line looked like in the showroom go to my website and click on the artist page. There are a few thumbnail pictures you can click on. I wish I had taken more photo's but every minute of the 3 days was busy. I came home tired, jet lagged but very ready to start working again :) Ya!

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop