Wednesday, October 22, 2008

These rules are AWESOME Give away!!!!!!!!!!

Enter to win this Enesco Pumpkinseeds signed Little Trickster
  1. Rules are: 1. visit
    2. visit all the artists
    3. bookmark for new updates every 13th of the month!
    (and yes, I will believe you)
    That's it!
    ~All entries welcomed, even spookytimejingles artists~
    Please post your comment to enter

    Winner will be announced on Halloween day


Skelly Addict said...

Visited STJ...visited all artists too...already bookmarked! :o)

Halloween Fanatic said...

I am feeling lucky! Robert~Halloween Fanatic

Dani Nelson of Ambitions Design Studio said...

OMG, I love you!!! YOu are too cute and toooo sweet!! I will spread the word too!!
MUCHO GRANDE xoxo's 2U!!


Monkey-Cats Studio said...

You are good Janelle...oh, by the way, we are in a Winter Storm Warning and it is snowing right now. I remember your comment about a week ago regarding our then 70 degree temps I was enjoying. HA!!!!! Little did I know!
Great giveaway and promotion for all STJ artists. You are the best!!

The Polka Dot Pixie said...

That is soooo cool!!!!(((hugs)))))

LoopyBoopy said...

Wow, what a great giveaway!! Thanks so much from Loopyboopy at Spookytimejingles:)

Crowing About Primitives said...

okay its my turn to win something I can just feel it.. Ann

Unknown said... fun! This piece is darling. I don't think I'm eligible, but whoever gets your piece is a lucky gal or fella. Hope your doing well! :) jackie

Kristen Beason said...

Hi Janell~
Good karma tokens for you and what a nice giveaway! You already know that I think your Enesco line is outstanding in everyway. Good luck to all the eligible contestants! What a treat for a lucky someone on Halloween!


Creepy Margaret said...

Thanks so much for doing this promotion of the STJ site. I'd love to get a sale from it. You're so creative!

Creepy Margaret said...

Thanks so much for doing this promotion of the STJ site. I'd love to get a sale from it. You're so creative!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

LOVE IT!!! ~ Pick ME!!! :-)


Stacey said...


Stacey said...

I LOVE IT!!! Great Work!!

Marie Patterson Studio said...

WOW!!! Great promo for all the artists of STJ!! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Amazing art and very generous too.... that's why you are you! :)

I envy the lucky person who wins this piece!


~dani~ said...

I have this guy and he is So Awesome it is beyond words. Love the Trick or Treat Smell my feet!!! Janell is a genius!

Barbara said...

Your work is terrific! I loved checking out everyone's work on STJ, too. Thanks for everything you do.

Kim Hardt Originals said...

Pick me! Love it! Someone is going to be very very lucky!


Kim said...

Like everyone else I just LOVE your art, have several of your commercial Halloween pieces at home, they are my favorites. :D

Keep up the fantastic work, can't wait to see more!


Susan said...

love your art -- found spookytimejingles last week and was so happy to see so many wonderful artists. i'm so, so, so tempted to get your santa -- just love him. little trickster is pretty cute too. susan cone

AwtemNymf said...

OMWings- that is fabulous! SO generous of you to have a give-away! Thank you for the opportunity to win this cutie!
Add my name please.

~Tonya said...

Love the stubborn snowman! I love to visit STJ and have made some purchases on there :)

I always check it out on the evening of the 12th.

I really like your new graphics from Annette. She does some pretty neat work!

So very generous of you to have this give away. Please add me to your drawing.

Thanks so much.

Halloween Fanatic said...

Just stopping back by to say I am spreading the word! This is fun!!! Robert~Halloween Fanatic

Esther Peterson said...

Dear Janell,
I have to say that I LOVE your art.
I do not remember I wanted to collect anything else besides my callygraphic pens until this past week I traveled to Utah to visit relatives. Shopping around I got into this little store packed of many figurines an nothing made me click but when I saw your work I could not resist and bought 5 of them, their vintage look is just simply Irresistible. My two favorites are "My favorite pumpkin man" and "pumpkin dance". Keep the awesome work and hope I can get this "Little Trickster" for my new feeling to collect something different and beautiful.

Esther Peterson said...

This is my third day trying to post but for some reason my past notes have not been published :( Hope I am lucky this day.Any way, Just want to say you are awesome and I just became a new fan of your art.So far I have 5 figurines, maybe will be 6? jejeje,

Lance said...

i want it, hand it over lol.

kris said...

Absolutely love Little Trickster! Too too cute! I wanna win!! Can I win, please?? LOL!
Kris :)

oggy10 said...

I like what I saw at STJ. Just wish I had more time to sit and click away. Since I followed directions, I hope I win. Happy Halloween!!

Malissa said...

I have been following your work since I got into sculpting about 2 yrs ago. I absolutely love your work! I'm gathering pics of my work to submit to spookytime jingles(which I visit often!) I hope to join you and all of the other wonderful artists!! Hope I win!!
Malissa, Sleepy Hollow Folk Art Originals

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop