Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Time off to enjoy the sun

Had a day at the river. Roxy enjoyed herself to bits! This time she didn't dive into the river to chase geese. After we left the Umpqua river we headed home taking the back roads. Got to the top of the mountain and the views where unbelievable! Photo shows snowcapped mountains pointed towards Bend. Might be the Three Sisters mountains? While taking this "view" photo I stumbled upon two graves. Photo's show what I found. There in the middle of no where with not a house for miles and miles where two unnamed but obviously cherished graves. Marked with some stones, hand made crosses and some old silk flowers.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Coming soon!

Here is a little creature I have named Bailey. Bailey and his side kick "Skip" will be available soon. Email me if interested.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Anything but the pantry Dani! Here goes. This is really revealing but then again its (hopefully) like everyone else's pantry. I have a great challenge lined up by the way. Cant wait to share :) Come on Marie... show us yours! Anyone else who wants to join up on this silly fun just post yours!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ebay increases their fee's again

SELLERS UNITE! JOIN THE FEB. 18-25 and BOYCOTT Here is a link to show you exactly how much this increase will effect sellers. PLEASE support this boycott!


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Show your shoes!

Post YOUR shoes on your blog! I think shoes tell the tale. I dont look at peoples clothing to tell me who they are... I look at the shoes. And not in the sense of money or brands but rather in the way shoes speak about who we are. I have a few pairs that have function and I also have a few pairs that are for dress up but nothing speaks better than the ones we wear to be ourselves. Here are mine. Gross as they are. They are me.
Come on POST YOUR SHOES! Write me and tell me where I can find a photo of your shoes :)

New Halloween papier mache figures

Up for grabs! Go to http://www.pumpkin-seeds.com/POnewspage.htm for more info and prices.

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop
