Kind of a dull weird week so far. Started off sunny and inspiring but today is a down day. Gloomy. I am feeling under the weather. SO to try and cheer myself up I am posting one of my favorite hobbies.... my goats. I have posted these four legged, heart warming, grass chomp'in wonders in the past but its been a while. In the photo there is Nora, Vanna, Tina, Gilda and Stumpy #2. The only goat we got to name is Stumpy #2. The rest all had names before I purchased them. Each of them have their own little personalities. And they are VERY friendly. Well, all of them except Nora and Stumpy. Nora is a kick. She is will do silly things that crack me up but you cant pet her. She was not handled enough by humans when she was small. And Stumpy is an old fart (the one on the far right). We rescued her about 2 years ago and I am certain she wasn't loved as much as she should have been. But all in all they are all sweet pets that bring me total joy and happiness :) SEE, I feel better already. Ya, goat therapy!!!!