Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sweet B Folk Art

Amelia Schaefer of Sweet B Folk Art just posted some yummy news! She is starting a Sweet B Candy Club! For all of you candy lovers (and who isn't) DO stop by her blog and check out this tasty fun club.
Click here to enter her blog world

Friday, June 27, 2008

marie patterson

My special gift arrived. And I must say again how touched I am that anyone would take the time to make something just for me. I wanted to share what Marie Patterson (check her blog on my link bar) created. Its an altered Halloween book. Go to her blog and see the cute video that came along with this. Isn't this great??!!! I really had a wonderful week :) ps isn't the packaging cool!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Halloween goodie from Kim

Check out what I got today in the mail! Its a wonderfully detailed fantastic Halloween ornament from Kim of Kim Hardt Originals. What a sweet and thoughtful gift. Thank you Kim!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Halloween Chinese Skelly

I squeezed in one aceo today. This is the newest I just added to my
Etsy shop. Link on the side bar.
This week I am busy with my other job creating new projects
for Spring of 09. Next week I will bring more art cards and sculptures
out to play :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

One of my favorite places

Spent a day at the beach and took some photo's for sharing. Although it looks quite gloomy it was a beautiful day. Spent the morning walking the beach with Roxy looking for agates. Then hit the sea food place for some chowder. Roxy had a blast as well as all the family :) The video is a bit boring with the tide being extra low. Perfect for tide pool viewing. Lots of star fish, mini crabs, mussels and other sea creatures. Just a perfect day! The white house (is that not DREAMY) is actually a part of the Heceta light house. Its right on the cliff facing the ocean. There was a cave on the beach that was very interesting. Found lots of driftwood and a lady bug. Thought the lady bug was a strange find... There is also a photo of across the highway a campground with the small river running to the sea.

Friday, June 20, 2008

ahhhh the good life

Bill celebrates the first day of summer.

Getting ready....

Here is a sample of what will be
available when the new SpookyTimeJingles site opens.
Sweet little pumpkin with devil horns sitting on a collage block. Site opening soon!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

ebay art cards up for grabs

Just listed these on ebay for 5.99. Halloween is in the air. wheeeeeeeee!
I also am about half way done with some new pieces. Two Halloween and one Christmas. More about those later. xoxox

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dani's new venture DO take a look!


Freaky painting

Freaky is finally finished. I did an art card with this same idea a few weeks back. This painting is unique because the bottom is a burlap canvas that I layered on top. "Freaky" name and side stitches where sewn onto to the added piece. The pocket is an actual pocket that was sewn shut. Freaky is a gallery wrap canvas that is 8 x 10. Available on my personal website under paintings.

My goats

Kind of a dull weird week so far. Started off sunny and inspiring but today is a down day. Gloomy. I am feeling under the weather. SO to try and cheer myself up I am posting one of my favorite hobbies.... my goats. I have posted these four legged, heart warming, grass chomp'in wonders in the past but its been a while. In the photo there is Nora, Vanna, Tina, Gilda and Stumpy #2. The only goat we got to name is Stumpy #2. The rest all had names before I purchased them. Each of them have their own little personalities. And they are VERY friendly. Well, all of them except Nora and Stumpy. Nora is a kick. She is will do silly things that crack me up but you cant pet her. She was not handled enough by humans when she was small. And Stumpy is an old fart (the one on the far right). We rescued her about 2 years ago and I am certain she wasn't loved as much as she should have been. But all in all they are all sweet pets that bring me total joy and happiness :) SEE, I feel better already. Ya, goat therapy!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Bill and a new ACEO that is available in my esty shop! And yes, Bill was annoyed.

Monday, June 9, 2008

How pretty!

Look how pretty my painting arrived from Dani of "Ambitionsdesign"!
I almost didn't want to open it! But I knew what was inside. Thank you Dani :) This day was better because of you!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday on the Umpqua river

Sunny day at the river where Bob finally caught a good size fish. Too bad it was a carp. heeeheeee :) Ugly fish. Big funky mouth. BIG funky mouth. We do the catch and release and luckily this one didn't swallow the hook. Gorgeous day with still many hours of SUN left so there is where I am headed now. Out to enjoy it while I can. Happy Sunday everyone :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Meet Liberty, Strong man and Robot man

So excited to be offering these new art cards! I have been fine tuning this character all week and once I got something I really liked I made these. I also have a few painting that will be for sale very soon. These aceo's are available through Ebay.
Click here to visit~

Thursday, June 5, 2008

new shoes and a painting done

I had to go back and edit this post because this "good day" was because of Dani (ambitions design). Talking out details and techniques in painting the past few days has lifted my spirits in this arena. I adore painting and of course, am still learning. Sometimes I get "stuck" and feel like the road has ended. Talking with Dani got me inspired and lit that fire. Its just what the doctor ordered! So a warm heart felt hug I send to you, Dani, my very special friend. xoxoxo

What a good day so far. Killer shoes and a girl wearing a zebra hat painting I am happy with. Woooooo hooooooooo!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Aceo "Freaky"

“Tomorrow it'll all be over, then I'll have to go back to selling pens again.”
Quote from JD.

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop