Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Just added three MORE miniatures to my Etsy shop.  Two Halloween pieces and a Valentines or LOVE skelly.  See link on the side bar.
JUST listed these three really cool mini mushrooms.  Bright vibrant colors!  Measuring no more than 1.5 inches tall.  Etsy!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Update for the ones who visit. Currently I am working on Dept 56, 2013 pieces. Lots of sculpting! We are expanding the line to once again not only feature Halloween but also Christmas. Some of you might have noticed that the line got trimmed down a bit compared to the previous years. Spending habits were a part of this. As we all know, cut backs must run their course. But, for 2013 we are going big! Packaging will be new, labels new and quality back up to excellent standards! I am excited about what we are working on. Over 65 new items will be introduced. I should be done with the artwork in about 2-3 weeks. Once they are sent off I can focus on making art work for my website and Etsy. Janell

Friday, June 8, 2012

A handful of art goodies arriving by the end of today. I will post them in my Etsy shop. See link on the side.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

I just posted this Halloween Owl on my website.  See link on the side bar here.  xo
My trip to Minnesota went exceptionally well.  I will be busy for the next month sculpting over 60 new items for Dept 56.  Half will be Halloween and the other half Christmas.  So hang in there if you are looking for new originals from me.  I will catch up as soon as I am done.  In the meantime, I will attempt to squeeze in a few that I can offer you.  Saying that... I've got a super cool Halloween Owl that is being painted right now (well, not RIGHT now...).  He's black and white and super cute.  I should have that posted on my WEBSITE, not Etsy, this afternoon. 

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop