Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Unique pieces! I did some monsters, lost souls, a zen like sloth and a few Halloween Vincent Van Ghost Pumpkins!


Anybody out there????????????? Dang... Everyone's moaning from lack of sales. LOOK at all this art with no takers! Maybe its time to retire. Or wish 2021 would start. I guess the good part is, this forces artists to be even more creative! So up for grabs are all of these wonderful pieces.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 20% off all orders over 25$ Offer good till March 15 2021

Sale starts NOW! Discount automatically applies during checkout. No limit on qty.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

 7.25 inch tall creepy rabbit/bunny on a wood wagon block. Unique piece! Rabbit sits on a decoupage block of wood with a strip of champagne german dresden. The wheels are painted to match. Pull string has a bell. The wheels are stationary. Bunny has long string whiskers, tall silly ears, a striped shirt and cool mouth with teeth. GREAT price! 

Sculpted from clay, painted, sealed, stained and signed original art!

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop