Wednesday, December 26, 2007

SWEENEY TODD~ If your a Burton fan and love Johnny Depp this is a must! Just got back from seeing this movie and I loved it! It took me about 20 minutes to get used to sitting through a "musical" (not my thing) but once I "got it" I really enjoyed it. VERY much! I recommend this flick to all (unless you cant stand the sight of blood...).


Christopher A. Klingler said...

Hey Janell,

Kewl, I was wondering how this movie was?! GOOD!

I am a BIG Tim Burton fan too!

PS: I still have to see Corpse Bride!!! hehe

Chris :)

Kim Hardt Originals said...

Howdy Janell, Have a wonderful New Year.


Chris Beason (BADFISH2) said...

Hi Janell,
Chris and I went to see the movie yesterday and I discovered I'm not a musical fan. The acting and singing was good, but it wasn't one of my favorites.

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Janell, I downloaded the soundtrack from iTunes the other day AND love it! I have listened to it like 5 times already.

LOVE "Worst Meatpies in London!"

Will HAVE to get "Sweeney" on DVD upon it's release!

Chris :)

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Hi Janell, thanks for stopping by!

The rumor is that Tim Burton's next feature will be "Alice in Wonderland!" How FUN will that be?!

Chris :)

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