Friday, May 30, 2008

Cleaning and parting with...

Cleaning out my supplies and found these really cool treasures that I can (hard time with...) part with. All of these I placed on ebay under my seller name of PumpkinseedsOriginals AND are .99! The Dennison (such quality I have to think they might be) candy nut cups are just fabulous.
If you love using the old - new store stock items check these out :)

Santa's and more

For the photo's I grouped together the 3 primitive pieces on top and the more traditional (?)
on the bottom.

To purchase and to see additional pictures go to

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New papier mache arriving soon

By the end of this week I will be posting a group photo of 6 new papier mache creations. Here is what will be available: one rocket uncle sam, a halloween witch and the rest Santa's. I am no longer taking email addresses or sending out previews. Its much too much so what you can do is check back here or my website on the news page for updates or photo's.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I am actually glad to be back to work. Its so much easier... whew.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial weekend

Just finished these new aceo's and one cute painting.
All can be found in my Etsy shop.

I hope every one is enjoying this long weekend.
We stayed home and enjoyed few bbq's
and enjoyed the decent weather. I was anxiously
awaiting some great thunder storm that never happened. It was suppose
to arrive in the middle of the night last night. So I left my slider door
open and hoped that when the thunder came it would wake me so I could watch.
No luck. Boo hoo.

So now I will put away the paints, turn back on the bbq, pull out the Sweeney Todd CD and
enjoy the rest of Sunday. Maybe stick in a pina colada :) (my speller checker isn't catching this... perhaps I need a bilingual spell checker??)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thank you!

I wanted to thank all who participated in my special Love without Boundaries auction through ebay. To each of you who helped I am sending a warm hug. To the winner, thank you Melissa! All monies earned went to this organization. xoxoxo to all!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Imagine art cards

New "Imagination" aceo's up for bids soon. These where inspired from what I have done all my life. Imagine. Seeing what your not supposed to see but do when you try hard enough. Images that creep out of the plaster walls, shapes of the clouds as they transform multiple times, checking out shadows from the tree's. We have all seen them. But are had to capture. So I created my own. Following the flow and seeing what others might not see. I stopped time and found these.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Love without boundaries

I am donating 100% of the proceeds of this original old fashioned folk art girl to the Love without boundaries foundation.
If you can, please bid. .99 to begin auction. This is special to me because my grandfather was from China. All the stories he told me about family and the struggles. How when I was little I could hear him speak on the phone to his relatives back home. I would giggle because grandpa "sounded" funny in that strange language. He was incredible and I miss him so much. So this touches my heart and if you can help that would be wonderful. Thanks~~~ xoxoxo

link to auction

sunny day!

This is by far the most gorgeous day here in Oregon that we have had in nearly 8 or so months. It reminds me of how pretty this state really is. When the cold is here its nearly impossible to remember the sun, the green and the sounds. As I am typing I can see the birds really enjoying the weather too. So many are out and about. Singing with joy.

Its about 70. Tomorrow, if you can believe it, 90. That is what they say. So lets see, Monday we had our wood stove burning. Thursday the air conditioner. Oregon you gotta love it!

And since the nice weather is here it was nearly impossible to sit inside and paint or sculpt. But I did get this one done. Its on ebay if interested. So off I go to sit and enjoy the sun with Roxy!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

pumpkinseedsoriginals on ebay

All new aceo's. Ebay user name Pumpkinseedsoriginals

More coming so check back often!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Spring folk art girl collage painting

With piles and piles of really cool papers I thought it was time to "make big" one of my collages. Similar in style to my aceo's but this one measures 9 x 12. OK give me grief... I listed this one on ebay. You can find it under pumpkinseedsoriginals.

Wishing anyone who loves and nurturers any living being a wonderful and memorable Mother's day. xoxoxox

Friday, May 9, 2008

From my daughter Sierra

Just had to share :) My sweet daughter had these sent to me today. Wishing me a happy Mothers Day. What a great surprise. I love you Sierra Rae!!!! xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

one of my personal treasure finds

I wanted to share with you one of my very favorite "finds". I found this piece in Moss Landing CA about 20 years ago at an antique store. I got lucky and purchased this for 12.00. Its done on a porcelain tile stamped KPM on the back. I have no clue as to its age. Artist signature Lillian Walls. I did a google and found no information about this artist. I did however, find quite a few porcelain tile artists dating way back.
I adore this painting and I hate that I have it packed away. Someday, when my walls are not made out of ROCK I can hang this and enjoy it like I used too.
Anybody else have a found treasure that is so wonderful they can hardly stand it? Post it!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Wild basil?

Bob and I spent a day at the river (yes, again) and while walking out on the rocks ledge I spotted these plants. I thought they looked like basil but I was unsure. I picked the leafs and boy, sure enough they smelled like basil. Does any one know if basil grows wild and if so can you use it to cook with? Kind of a cool little find on todays fun day out :) And yes, "I" caught the first fish of the season. heehheheheheehheeee :)

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop