Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cake .... YUM thanks Kate!

Had to share what my daughter made for us last night. Bob and I went out for the evening with dinner and a movie to celebrate our anniversary. When we got home Kate had made us this deliciously thoughtful cake. And yes, it was TASTY!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!! That cake looks wonderful, how thoughtful of Kate to make such a pretty treat.

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Happy Anniversary Janell! :)

What a sweet cake ~ YUM!

PS: Thanks for your sweet compliments on my recent goodies as well.

Spooky Hugs,

3rdEyeMuse said...

what a supah-stah of a duaghter - that is one delighful looking happy heart cake! happy aniversary!

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

Coconut--my favorite!!!! Happy anniversary and many more, and congrats on such a sweet child to have made this for the two of you!!

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

Coconut--my favorite!!!! Happy anniversary and many more, and congrats on such a sweet child to have made this for the two of you!!

Annie said...

The cake looks Delish!! Happy Anniversary!!!

~dani~ said...

What sweetpea! Happy Anniversary love~

Marie Patterson Studio said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JANELL!!!! sorry I missed it....better late than never :) yummmmmmy cake!

I want to see what you do with the oil paints

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Janell! Sorry I am coming in here late too. Kate did a wonderful job making it. Hope you two had a great day. :)

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