Monday, July 28, 2008

Sheila of Freckleberry

I just had to share my wonderful gift I received in the mail today. Sheila from Freckleberry created this fantastic man in the moon, pumpkin topped with a witches hat. Its SOOOOO extra SPECIAL I cant even tell you. Sheila, thank you from the bottom of my heart xoxox
On my side bar there is Sheila's blog "Freckleberry". She shows works in progress and finished pieces. Its always so much fun visiting here blog to see how her pieces turned out. If you're a collector please try one of these sculptures! Love her Halloween and OH check out her Santa's.... super duper!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't you sweet!!
Thanks so much and I am so glad you like him.
I appreciate all your help and support. That has been a real gift to me.

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