Saturday, February 28, 2009


just testing my posts.

Skelly's and Buzz

Here are the three that I just completed. All can be found at
Just a note. I am continuing to have serious (well, as serious as blog land goes) delaying issues here with this blog. If you are a buyer and want up to date photo's just visit daily. The email program installed here is not working correctly. I am contacting blogger to see if anyone there can help. My apologies. J

Friday, February 27, 2009

Halloween Skeletons and one bee man so what's all the "BUZZ"???

Just finished three new sculptures. Its late so I will post these guys tomorrow. There will be two skeleton figures and one bee. The Skeleton pieces are pretty darn cool! Mounted on round wooden balls painted with a spooky silhouette scene of tree's and tombstones. The bee is fun too. He's kinda funny :) So come back again tomorrow! good night...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

ACEO and etsy updates

If you love creepy aceo's then head on over to my esty shop! These two just added. I also added a 5 x 5 folk art girl painting. Dont miss out~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, February 23, 2009

There here.....

upcoming pieces

Soon I will be posting two new sculptures up for sale. These should be completed by 7 pm tonight. If you are interested in a Halloween graveyard skelly man or a Veggie Carrot top girl do stop by again to see photo's. Or just check my regular site tonight.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Trip to the coast

Here are a few pictures of my quick trip to the coast with my sweet daughter. We both needed a nice little get away vacation. I love doing stuff last minute and without much planning. So I woke up Saturday morning, gave my daughter a call. And off we two went! We ended up in Yachats Oregon. One of my absolute favorites little towns to stay in. Very quaint, not much going on but the scenery and coast line is just stunning. The top photo was taken in Newport. There was some huge crab festival going on (which I ran from). The photo of the bridge is also in Newport. The hotel shown is where we stayed in Yachats. And the rainbow and photo of my daughter where taken from our balcony. Best part of all was spending time with Sierra. She is so much fun! I also loved how we got to sleep with the back door open and we listened to the waves crashing all night long. Just the BEST weekend in a long long long time.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Something new

Before the weekend begins and talk my husband into a day trip to the coast, I wanted to get this girl up and available on my site. This girl or style of girl I have always painted. This time I wanted to try her in clay. She's my little gothic style trick or treater. So "cheers" to a great weekend~~~~~~~~~~~~~ xoxoxo

Monday, February 16, 2009

carve cantaloupes? Yes, indeed!

Valentines Day was fabulous! Flowers, candy and Coraline :) I got spoiled. Loved the movie to pieces. I really loved little Coraline's outfits. If you get a chance go to They have an interactive website with lots of fun goodies to view and play with. DO check out the fascinating little clip of the woman who knitted those TINY little sweaters! She used needles. Not "knitting" needles... NEEDLES!
I also updated my Etsy shop with three ACEO's and changed over a few of the older cards to the sale's bin.
Here's to a productive and creative week! xoxo

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sneak peek FRIDAY the 13th

Winners where finally chosen this afternoon. Congratulations!!!

And here is my sneak peek for tomorrow's Friday the 13th Spookytimejingles update.
Update on the giveaway. After three tries of counting two winners using the random number generator then to find out there is either a dead blog, no email posted or I have to "dig" to find the darn thing.... I am going to announce the winners this afternoon. This will take more time than I thought. And I have decided to just read through the posts and anyone who has a live email will be choosen. Two of you. Thanks again ~ Janell

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We are down to the last day of the OWOH giveaway! So if you have not done so, there is still time to enter! Because of the number of folks who have signed up I am going to giveaway ANOTHER ACEO. The first winner will have their choose of the BEE girl or the mystery art card. Remember to post your blog or email so I know how to get ahold of you. Best of luck to all :)

UPDATE on Spookytimejingles.... I will be offering a Christmas Snowman figure (might be the best guy EVER!), a Halloween Owl sculpture (WHO'S adorable...) and a flipp'in chicken for easter. The Chicken... well, he's not being himself. So dont miss out on the FRIDAY THE 13TH update!

Friday, February 6, 2009

gnome, skelly and girl

2/8/09 Just posted an etsy update in my shop. Free shipping and a bonus deal. This applies to my etsy shop only. Link on the left side. xoxo

I am trying to keep the "giveaway" posting (below) close to the top so I will be deleting info that is old or not relevant any longer. THIS post however, its ripping ready to go! Available on my website at are this three characters. Hurry!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

OWOH FREE Giveaway!!!!!!!!!

ENTER to win this FREE Original ACEO by just posting a comment here along with your email (or blog attached, just some way I can contact you if you win). This event is hosted "One World One Heart". Sharing art, connecting with others. Do check out all the other participants in the OWOH event. Amazing free giveaways! Come on.... post :) ya!
The winner will be announced Feb 12th, 2009. So what do you win? This fab little ACEO created my me! oh ah... or ew yuck... Its FREE. Free free free! This cute little folk art bee girl is a watercolor, colored pencil, pencel and charcoal ditty. Signed. Did I say FREE?

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop