Its been nearly a week since my last posting. I took a few days off to spend with my husband. One of the days we took a small road trip to Crater Lake Or. It was a spur of the moment adventure... the best kind. Sure was interesting. Lake was pretty. There was still lots and lots of snow. So much so that you could not see the lake unless you got out of the car and climbed the mound of crunchy ice. I was disappointed by a few things. I guess when you hear how great something is, then finally go, its a set up for disaster. We had traveled an extra 3 hours to see the lake. We both where so hungry and there is no food along the way. Once there all they had was fine dining (we came from fishing at the river) and a cafe. The cafe had sandwiches in the fridge starting at 8.75 each. OK I guess if your truly hungry you pay anything for food... but the sandwiches looked as if they had been there all week long. Yucko. Fruit salad, 4.00 for a cup just a bit larger than a dixie cup. Guess it takes a small miracle to tow the food up that far so that explains the prices. Second bummer, MOSQUITOES! Zillions! In your nose, ears, sucking this and that! Nasty. The park ranger said the mosquitoes breed in the snow. How'da thought... So after only a 20 minute visit we left. That will be our last trip to Crater Lake. (Did I mention lack of lodging????) I am sure there are reasons for all complaints. Actually I am sure there is. It was just not worth the time and effort in my book. I will stick with the coast. Here is a pic I took of the lake. If you get too close to edge you would slide right into the water!
OH ya, the art I just finished is in my etsy shop. Side bar has link :)