Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Reporting spammers link

blog issues

A friend of mine just told me that she could not post here on my page. I had some unwanted visitors post foul links last month so I had to set up "moderate". Seems it prevented comments from being posting or made it difficult. I have fixed that this morning. I will just have to really watch my blog and chase off s p a m m e r s . So give it try again lets hope its much easier :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh neato... dont look if you dont like snakes.

So this is what Kate catches in the yard. Nice.... NOT. I dont like spider or snakes (I feel a song coming on...) and this snake is no exception. My guess is its a harmless (tell my heart this) garter snake. Kate wants to keep it for just the day. whew........
I'm feeling Halloweenie today. Looks like a Spooky tree and candy container head piece? stay tuned :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

And on a happier note!

You know how sometimes when you go to the bank and they want you to enter contest to win goodies? You know how you avoid those like the plague? I gave in last Friday and found out today I won a big basket filled with treats for my dog Roxy! I have to pick it up tomorrow and I will take a pic and share. Sweet! I'm one of those who never wins a thing. Oh wait, I never sign up for anything! goes to show you... ;)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Its been a very long time since I did any ACEO's. Here are two I finished this morning. Both are in my etsy shop. See link on the left side, bottom. xoxo

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Candy Kids are here!

I am playing catch up so for a few days you will find some great pieces that I started then put aside and now finally completed. Here is a pair (sold separately but look so cute together!) that I just finished and added to my website. Lots of new items so if its been a while since your last visit please take a gander at what I have to offer. In about a month I will disappear once more (other work obligations) so if anything floats your submarine send me an email :O) xoxo ps link for my pumpkin-seeds website is on the left side.

Day of the Dead

day of the dead

ONE day of the dead piece arriving today :)

Monday, June 21, 2010


Two original sculptures available in my etsy shop at 55.00 each! Both are over a year old and where tucked away in the back of my cabinet. They need a home asap! Link to etsy shop on the side bar.

Toy shop Snowman

Friday, June 18, 2010

selling of vintage craft goodies

I'm selling some of my old vintage craft stock on ebay. I have 5 listing for vintage millinery, old Christmas collage decorations and two cans of really cool vintage stars. Check it out if like :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

I found this picture on the internet and had to share. These guys are looking to clean up oil. Look at what they are wearing then look in the background...
Should we NOT be placing our children in the water? Above they are using sticks to play in it? People, use your common sense. Grrr... this makes me so upset. All of it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I just received these back from Art Doll Quarterly magazine. I have a special running... 35.00 each! The magazine is available at any of your larger book stores. Get the magazine and get a Kookshi!

See what happens...

This weekend I played this amazing game online (see post below) and it had wonderful little robots as the characters. I got all inspired! Took the "flavor" of what I was feeling and made two Halloween robots. Now available at I am adding now!

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop