Saturday, December 31, 2011

Yes, its a girl

Took a break away from skeletons, pumpkins and such. She was fun to create with lots of layers of paint, texture and big black painted eyes. If interested email me.



Busy preparing for New Years eve. I will be posting these up for sale in either my Etsy shop or my website... If interested prior they are 26.99 each. Just email me. All are my Little Pumpkinseeds characters that are approx. 1 - 1.75 inches tall.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. I sure did. Visiting with family was special and I am ever so grateful for all I have in my life. With New Years just around the corner... where it time going? So I welcome in 2012 with lots of creativity for all. Speaking of that, its time for this girl to get back to work. What's swirling in my head? Perhaps some Valentine's pieces. Yes, that is what it will be.... Valentines. So come back in a day or so and see what new characters have been crafted. xo

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Etsy update

Evil and sweet mix of new sculpts. All are available in my etsy shop. see side link xo

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sculpt day today. I am thinking just a bit more Christmas... a few small snowmen, a tiny Santa and ?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

New art

These creations are now available at
The large mummy is a special piece I created for this holiday season. A
bit larger than I normally do and he is ever so cool. The lantern with a copper
chain adds something fun to the character. And don't forget to check out
Christmas Skelly surprise! Look inside the box... :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What's new? How about a large mummy man (he's cool!!) and a sad Skelly man similar to the post below only Christmas style :) Plus two Little Pumpkinseeds characters, a snowman with a reindeer cap and a skelly Christmas man. All will be posted on my new website with a day or so.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Website update:
She's nearly done. Just a few tweaks more and things will be where I want them. You can now visit and check out the new look. Its simple and much cleaner. I am a bit on the fence about adding only one photo per piece.... if anyone wants to send me feedback on that it would be appreciated. You can use my email I have posted here. So, now its time to sculpt! By the end of this week I will be adding new pieces, probably Christmas items. Come back for a vist :)

Updated my Etsy shop and added these two pieces. See side bar for a direct link to my shop. I'm also still working on my website. I hope to get all things running before Christmas. Hang tight. xo

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Meet Mr. Snowman and I'm so broken hearted

I will be listing these in my Etsy shop tomorrow. If anyone is interested prior please let me know. Mr. Snowman is 6.5 inches tall and rather petite. "I'm so broken hearted" is 4.5 inches tall. Snowman is 125.00 and broken hearted is 65.00. Shipping extra.
Hi folks, I'm currently working on two pieces plus working on my website. The pieces will be a super adorable snowman with a santa bucket and the other a doomy gloomy broken hearted skelly man. And as far as my website goes, I have purchased all new software and have to hit the books on how to re-do a site. Hopefully with a month I should have it up and refreshed. The current site is still up but I can't add pics or update. So hang tight. Like I mentioned earlier all new art will be posted on Etsy. If unfamiliar with Etsy please let me know.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Six New Little Pumpkinseeds Characters available

Just listed these six new Little Pumpkinseeds characters in my Etsy shop.
See side link panel :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Two Little Pumpkinseeds Skelly men are on their way. One with a red broken heart and the other holding a tiny pumpkin. Also, a fabulous Scarecrow! Full size piece, not a mini. All should be completed tomorrow.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Devil and Snowman

Here is two of my Little Pumpkinseeds characters. Ready for purchase is a Halloween Devil and a Melting Snowman... oh no! Come get um in my Etsy shop! See side bar for link. xo

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Every Halloween I like to give away little treats to the folks who support my art. One of the treats is listed below in the previous posting (free Halloween pin). And now I am also offering FREE shipping through my Etsy shop. You enter


and poof! free shipping :) This is only available in my Etsy shop. See side panel for shop link.


To celebrate Halloween I am offering one FREE Enesco Halloween pin when you make a 30.00 or more purchase. SPOOKTACULAR!! I just added some cool creations to my Etsy shop These Enesco pins are harder to find than the Christmas ones that came out a few years back. So Happy Halloween to all!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

New set of characters ready to purchase. There are two pieces in this group that are small full figure pieces. They are really fun.. that mini Santa and the mini snowman. Those are approx 3 inches tall. These are a first for me. Both where hard to do because of the size. They took just as long as my 6-7 inch pieces. When I painted them I realized that is why I don't do that size. whew! There is also a misfit in there... see him??? He needs a loving home. xo All will be available in my Etsy shop tomorrow.

Friday, October 21, 2011

I will be working this weekend on some new items that will be available
in my Etsy shop. I am still unable to access my website for updating. I purchased
a new computer and well, you know how that goes. Super awesome but my software for building
my site is old. And its time to move forward on this. But unfortunately, that takes time.
Do note that if you are not signed up on Etsy or prefer to not purchase through them email me.
I can accommodate.
What's in store sculpting wise? More Little Pumpkinseeds plus some
Christmas treats. Possibly a Snowman and a Santa... oh ya!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


New set of Little Pumpkinseeds now available in my Etsy shop.
See side bar for link.
Black and white Skelly, Circus ring leader, snowman with carrot nose
AND sweet snowman with heart on his chest.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Halloween folk art just arrived!

Just posted in my Etsy shop. See link on right side.
For the time being, I will be listing all new art in my Etsy shop. I purchased
a new computer and have to hire a computer person to transfer my programs :\
Oh so fun...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Newest Little Pumpkinseeds now available in my Etsy shop

Just starting back to work. Nope, I am not unpacked but I am missing work so much! I finished up that dog I started two weeks ago. You can find him on my website I also just started on four Little Pumpkinseeds that will be available in my Etsy shop tomorrow the latest. xo Here's a pic of the Happy Howlaween pup :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This is the best time of year to be creating amazing Halloween pieces and yet as you might have noticed, I have nothing new brewing. Its because I am moving. Yup, once again. This is my 6th time in two years. Talk about unsettled. But, its all good. Change equals good in this case. I've spent the last few years reevaluating and making changes to my life. This last step is a result of a long drawn out road which I might add is headed in a wonderful direction. I am headed back to the coast :) Where I belong. This weekend I pack up and go. I will be about a half a mile away from the pacific ocean and directly across the street from the river that runs into the bay. So excited. This is just temporary though... and at the end of 6 months when my lease is done, who knows were I will be. Someday, I will put my feet into the soil and plant them permanently. Its just not time yet. So, why all this information? To let you know that in two weeks I will be back at work in full force doing what I love best. Creating :) xoxo

Thursday, September 8, 2011

woof woof

Just sharing a commission piece I finished up this week. While I was at it I did another dog in a bat shirt complete with wings. He will be painted up soon so watch for him here or on my website

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Finishing up some super cool day of the dead tin based ornaments. Lovers of day of the dead, please stand by... these are awesome! A few skelly heads and a few bone dogs. On the side I also have one of my mini pumpkinseeds characters on a base... he's a skelly Halloween man with wire legs. xo

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Miniature graveyard skelly scene

Just added this unique sculpture to my Etsy shop.
Click Etsy shop on side bar to visit :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I like to post once a week what will be appearing soon. So for this week I started on a few Halloween figures. Unsure at this point what exact characters but for sure one will be a Frankenstein. So come back to see pics or just visit my website in a few days xo

Monday, August 15, 2011


Yes, she was amazing :)
This was a special birthday gift given to me by someone
I adore. Adele sang for an hour and twenty min.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Facebook info for you to know...

First of all I tried to post this on FB but for some reason it would not allow me to do so...

Do this and see what you think:

Click Account, then edit friends... on the left click that phone icon that says "contacts"... you like what you see? I sure don't.
Working on two very different pieces that I am happy to post. Both will be done either this weekend or early next week. I have in the making a Halloween Owl dressed in a bone shirt and a Penquin dressed in a reindeer outfit...complete with antlers. So check back again soon xox

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

They're here.....

Halloween Little Pumpkinseeds
Meet Frank, Skelly 31 and Skelly bone man.

Email me if interested.
26.99 each

These will be placed in my Etsy shop soon...

New Little Pumpkinseeds arriving soon!

This week you will find in my Etsy shop three new Little Pumpkinseeds characters. Two skeleton's and one Frankenstein. Love Halloween? Be sure and check these out!! They will be available this afternoon. xo

Friday, July 29, 2011

Art walk time correction

CORRECTION on the time of the Art Walk here in Cottage Grove, Oregon today. It starts at 6:00 pm. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Art Walk... see you there!

Tomorrow Friday July 29th from 4-8 pm I will be at the Fleur De Lis Patisserie & Cafe here in Cottage Grove Oregon for the Art Walk on Main street. Fleur De Lis Patisserie is located at 616 Main Street.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Art Walk July 29th 2011

July 29th 2011 I will be participating in my first art walk here in historic Cottage Grove, Oregon. Come and visit all the artists including my art buddy Leah Humberston. Leah and myself will be sharing a table in front for Fleur De Lis Patisserie & Cafe right on Main Street. Time will be 4-8 pm. Tiny little window so don't be late.

If you would like information on hotels, eateries and such I can suggest a few places here in town. Just email me.

Here is also a link to a shop that is super cool!

I will add an update as the date gets closer.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

He and She Skelly with little baby ghoul

I will be posting these two in my Etsy shop either late today or early tomorrow morning.

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop