Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This is the best time of year to be creating amazing Halloween pieces and yet as you might have noticed, I have nothing new brewing. Its because I am moving. Yup, once again. This is my 6th time in two years. Talk about unsettled. But, its all good. Change equals good in this case. I've spent the last few years reevaluating and making changes to my life. This last step is a result of a long drawn out road which I might add is headed in a wonderful direction. I am headed back to the coast :) Where I belong. This weekend I pack up and go. I will be about a half a mile away from the pacific ocean and directly across the street from the river that runs into the bay. So excited. This is just temporary though... and at the end of 6 months when my lease is done, who knows were I will be. Someday, I will put my feet into the soil and plant them permanently. Its just not time yet. So, why all this information? To let you know that in two weeks I will be back at work in full force doing what I love best. Creating :) xoxo


Old Fashion Halloween said...

Sounds like a lovely place at the coast. We were just saying how long its been since we made coast run. Thinking we need a weekend in Depot Bay or Lincoln City.

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

Hooray for you Janell!! Just saw your line at Shopping Tripps downtown and was thinking of you! Glad to hear you are going where you need to be. Hugs!!

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