Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Meet my Valentine STINK bugs.  I'm going to post these to my Etsy shop either tonight or tomorrow.  Any interest prior please contact me Janell.Berryman@gmail.com

165.00 for the big guys and 40.00 each for the smaller stinkers.

Monday, December 29, 2014

sweet sentiments for Valentines day...

Feeling so ready for 2015!  I just cleaned up my work table and space.  Also wondering how long THAT tidiness will last! But with a fresh table comes fresh paper and a newly sharpened pencil.  Let the sketching begin.

Next on the holiday calendar is Valentines day.  And as usual, its a holiday I've always hated.  Oh wait, I just told a lie. As a child it was pretty awesome.  Oh wait, another lie.  Disappointment again.  I always had that feeling Charlie Brown experienced when he had received only a bag of rocks. Me? I never did that ONE Valentine I had hoped for from the boy down the lane.  Even at 8 I was let down.  So is there ever hope in the endless pursuit of love happiness?  

So in honor of Valentines day because it just sucks...  I'm conjuring up some love bugs.  Maybe a better name, love stink bugs. Ya, that it!  Love Stink Bugs.  

Come back again in a day or two and see what sweet evil characters come from my endless years of heartbreak.  


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Hidden gems!

These two creepy snowmen where on my website and I had forgotten about them.  Yes, my website has taken the back burner for now as Etsy is the place to sell!  I am almost completely sold out of all Christmas pieces this year.  I believe I have less than 4?  Two of them are mini's.  These guys are full size and really fun!  There is only hours left of my 15% off sale.  Please check it out and take advantage of this discount. 

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop
