Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Halloween Snowman orders

It seems like I've fallen off the face of the Earth...  Lots of things have transpired over the past 4 months and all of which have taken me away from what I love to do.  Art.  I squeezed in what I could but now... I'm back in and ready to sculpt! 

Today I finished two wonderful pieces.  One of them so fun I'm offering him as an order.  Yup, first time for everything!  He's this really cool Halloween Snowman.  Approx 5 inches tall delivered to you if you so desire.  You can find him the order page here on Etsy...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

NEW HALLOWEEN ART..... finally.

The two sitting Pumpkin men and the one taller (small) pumpkin second to the left are now available in my Etsy shop.

The two sitting pumpkin guys are a new style!  Super cute and deliciously halloween!!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

I'm back to work after more than six weeks of down time.  I've relocated to Washington state.  All boxes unpacked and work station set up :) yes!  New art arriving this week!

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop