Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Sale and update


BIG sale in my ETSY shop starting today, 6.19.18 and runs until this Sat.  Take advantage of  20% off any purchase totaling over 50.00!

Also, I've updated and continue to work on my brand new website Pumpkinseedsfolkart.com.  You can still get it using Pumpkin-seeds.com.  I have only one item listed at both sites and other than that, each site has different art.  

Etsy has raised its fee's and along with paypal fee's the total amount out of the artist pocket is really high.  Its why I decided to open up a separate website without the Etsy fee's.  Do bookmark both website stores and my only goal is to keep offering art as it brings me pure joy and hopefully you as well :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Uncle Sam dog is on hold... but the bear and his trout and crazy painted dog are available at:

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop
