Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day two

Here is my work in progress. Yesterday we sculpted heads and today we did the armatures. Two pictures show my version of Kramus. Tomorrow he will be totally different. Another fabulous day spent with a fabulous group of talented people. Anyone thinking about taking one of the Frouds classes ....DO IT. This has been a unbelievable adventure. Cant wait for tomorrow!
ps The top pic is Brian Froud with one of his crazy puppets! What fun!!!

Day one

Yesterday I attended the first day of a three day workshop with the Frouds. What an amazing day it was. I learned some fantastic sculpting techniques that I am excited to experiment with. Yesterday we sculpted heads, today hands and feet, tomorrow clothing/costume. After fiddling with my "head" for hours a figure presented himself. Krampus. I will bring a camera today and hopefully snap some pictures of today's event.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sheila of Freckleberry

I just had to share my wonderful gift I received in the mail today. Sheila from Freckleberry created this fantastic man in the moon, pumpkin topped with a witches hat. Its SOOOOO extra SPECIAL I cant even tell you. Sheila, thank you from the bottom of my heart xoxox
On my side bar there is Sheila's blog "Freckleberry". She shows works in progress and finished pieces. Its always so much fun visiting here blog to see how her pieces turned out. If you're a collector please try one of these sculptures! Love her Halloween and OH check out her Santa's.... super duper!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Newest creations

Its always fun trying your hand at something new. These I just listed on ebay. There are two stuffed Skelly ornaments and one stuffed Skelly Halloween doll. All are under ten dollars.

On a personal note... Tomorrow my daughter Kate, who is 17 leaves for Northwest youth corp. This is a 5 week camp that she has chosen to pursue. We have been getting ready for this for weeks with special work clothes (never thought I would see this girl in a pair of Carharrtt's in life!), work boots, leather gloves... you get the picture. When Kate first told me about this program I seriously didn't think she would go. But low and behold, here we are, one day left and tomorrow she sails off. No phone calls, only letters. Still wondering how the withdrawal of her cell phone will pan itself out. Hopefully she figures out that its really not needed and that her friends will survive without 100 text messages a day... I will miss my girl. I miss her already. The teen years are tough but all in all she an awesome kid. xoxox

And yes, Sierra, if you read this, YOUR awesome too! Love mom

Lastly, next week 28, 29 and 30 I will be attending a sculping class. This is a 3 day event put on by Wendy Froud of World of Froud. I am not into fairies but am excited to sculpt some type of ghoulish figure. Or a witch. Not sure yet. She will teach how to make a full body doll. I will keep you posted as to how I do.

Monday, July 21, 2008

In case you missed it...

Spooky Time Jingles is having a fun door prize contest! Click
on the cute graphic to see what prizes lay in store for those lucky winners!

oil painting

Just finished this set of mini wooden oil blocks. These are for sale in my etsy shop. See link on the side bar.

Since I had so much fun doing these I will be making more. Next set will be just a tad bit bigger and I will also use more of the gauze. That gave a nice texture that I found appealing to paint on.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Polka Dot Pixie

I almost don't want to say how wonderful this creation is for fear of never getting another due to everyone buying them up.... but I will because Jenny of The Polka Dot Pixie deserves it. I bought this fabulous Halloween piece through Spooky Time Jingles. Is she not adorable? Jenny wrapped her up so nicely it made me feel like it was my birthday. Thank you for that moment Jenny! Folks, DO check this talented artist out. But DO leave one for me.

Giving it a try...

Last night was a toss and turn night. Just thinking of what to do the following day. I usually have a plan the night before with things I either need to finish or things I need to start. But today is different. I am caught up. Nothing planned. No sculptures, art cards, nothing. What to do... so I decided to give oils a whirl. Its a fantastic medium that I truly enjoy, except the messiness of it. I am a messy artist and to add oil paints is terrifying. So I will dig through my clothes that already are trashed with paint, (I will just close my eyes and pick any tee) and come up with something of interest. At least I hope so. Here we go!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cake .... YUM thanks Kate!

Had to share what my daughter made for us last night. Bob and I went out for the evening with dinner and a movie to celebrate our anniversary. When we got home Kate had made us this deliciously thoughtful cake. And yes, it was TASTY!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Click photo's to visit my STJ shop!

If you cant get into my shop on the new Spooky Time Jingle website please click any of the photo's posted here to take a peek. ALL have free shipping! Included in this group is the piece also posted below.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Howard, Hatchet and B. Bones

You can find this piece PLUS three other brand new creations at Click on my Pumpkinseeds folk art box. AND do check out all the other fabulous participating artists! So many wonderful treasures!!!!!

5, 4, 3, 2...................

Get ready! Count down is on................ July 13th 2008.

Friday, July 11, 2008

ebay treats only 4.99!

ACEO's on ebay! These I finished and you can find them under pumpkinseedsoriginals on ebay. One sweet and dark and the other crazy and wicked! 4.99 each.... !

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Spooky stuff?????

Sneak peek of one piece from the grand opening of STJ!
July 13th

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Give away read details...

Here is the door prize I am giving away for the grand opening of Spooky Time Jingles website. This is a papier mache Halloween Fool that is 7 inches tall. Good luck to all!

Spooky Time Jingles

Just finished all the pieces for Spooky Time Jingles site. There will be 3 new items posted. Two Halloween and one Christmas grumpy snowman. DO check out for its grand opening on the 13th of July where there will be door prizes AND free shipping on any of my items! Check back here to see what door prizes I will be giving away. Bye for now!

fun website

Monday, July 7, 2008


My daughter Kate celebrating the 4th.
We had a small gathering of good friends, food, beer and wine with LOTS of fireworks!
Is there a better way to have fun? I think not :)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Mouse outside the house

We got a 4th of July surprise today. I found this little guy in the driveway crying all alone. Ya, its a mouse. My first thought was of course, EEK. But he (or she) was so helpless and tiny and his little eyes where not open. We live on 8 acres and right where I found him is a huge amount of wild raspberries bushes. I was thinking mom would come and rescue. No luck. So off we went to get supplies. Got a little house, some bedding, food (all pet stores are closed because of the holiday so all we could get is soymilk). If anyone knows anything about care for such a small critter please write. In the meantime I will do a google search. I hope he makes it.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

newest art card 12.00 ETSY

buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz come find me on etsy!
Hi blog visitors~ I removed my last entry due to my kids giving me heck. So, if you missed my last "ditty"... good. whew. I will be more careful to post more accurate silliness in the future. xoxo

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Midnight train to Spook Town

Taking the Midnight train to Spook Town. Just finished aceo. Etsy shop is where you can find this Halloween art card. Chooooooooooooo choooooooooooooooooooooooo

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop