Tuesday, March 31, 2009

aceo's x2

Just added two new Halloween aceo's to my etsy shop. Ya!
Link on the side of this page.
Now off to get a hair cut.... I hate this more than celery!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thank you xoxo

Things are getting back to the norm. Monday was a hard day. Kate is doing great and her friend is still recovering. Thank you to all who posted well wishes. xoxoxo
Last night I created a few felt stuffed Halloween critters. It felt good to be back at work. Working with the felt was easy and pretty mindless and that is exactly what I needed.
Thanks again for your notes and messages. Hugs to you!!!!!
ps I nearly forgot... these will be posted in my etsy shop. Link on the side.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My daughter Kate got into a car accident so I will not be posting messages or art for a week or so. She is ok with some minor problems. Her best friend did not do as well. But things will be ok. I will be back next week. Thanks. Janell

Sunday, March 22, 2009

New sculptures

All six completed and this time they are available in my etsy shop. I listed all of these pieces at a lower price than I normally do. This economy is taking a toll on art. DO take advantage of these paer clay - papier mache originals at this price. Nothing over 100.00. My prices have not changed in over 7-8 years. A few of these are 65.00. Check out my shop! Thank you~~~

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I always like to send out a notice a day or two before I post new sculptures for sale. I am finishing up 6 pieces all of them made with paper clay. Three of them are cute Easter pieces and the other three much darker, more Halloweenish. So, back to work I go!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kate's new Etsy shop!

My daughter Kate just opened up her Etsy shop. She is has named it "Underground paradox". Its tough finding jobs anywhere but here in Oregon is especially hard so I suggested she try her hand at etsy. She has super talent that I never had at her age. Kate is 18 and a senior. And now, engaged. I can't seem to wrap my brain around this yet but I am trying. So take a peek and perhaps mark her as a fav. I have always known she was amazing in heart, spirit and art!


Bad Eggs!

Meet Patience Pete and Nee-Ner Nee-ner. The Bad Egg Boys. Forget cute, forget the snuggle bunnies. Easter Pumpkinseeds style! www.pumpkin-seeds.com

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


30% off Sale on a selective few sculptures on my website. Look for the spinning pumpkin!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Just more stuff....

I burn candles while I work and this one burned like no other. Check out the cool design. You can almost see little faces. While processing this photo the candle burned all the way down. Now its just a puddle of cold wax.
So while the candle was burning I did complete these two art cards. Both are in my Etsy shop. Link on the left side.

Painting - Collage art

Its been quite a while since I have updated my painting page on my website. Today I finally got to it. Both of these can be found there. Just click on the charcoal skelly on your right to take you to my website then click on paintings.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lumpies have arrived and ARE available

Visit www.pumpkin-seeds.com to purchase any of the above. These go quickly so email me as soon as you decide. Thank you!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What? MORE Lumpie's? Yes!

I just finished 5 new Lumpies. If you are not familiar with my use of the word "Lumpy" then head on over to my website and take a peek. OK the NEW ones are not there yet. That will be tomorrow. But it will give you an idea of what's in store. Hint? Delicious cones, a tossed salad ingredient, something wrapped and someone who "wants you". Nighty night :)

sweet n sour

I have updated my etsy shop a bit. I also added two new art cards :) One Santa and a very cool Skelly. Enjoy your weekend folks!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Halloween art cards available on my blog

Both sold~~~

Art cards - ACEO's Halloween collage- acrylic. Original. Signed. 15.00 each.
Shipping 2.00. Priority mail.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Construction completed!

Look who's in disguise....
Three new ghoulish delights now available.
I am headed out the door for a few hours. Emails will be answered this afternoon.

Monday, March 9, 2009

under construction

This week I am preparing for the spookytimejingles FRIDAY the 13th launch. I am also sculpting up one Skelly Pot o Gold, one candle Lumpy and TWO tombstones. One of the tombstones is for STJ and the other items will be posted tomorrow on my website.

Friday, March 6, 2009

ACEO added to my etsy shop

Here is one of three art cards added to my etsy shop. I am now shipping these cards priority mail and splitting the cost with the buyer. Buyer pays only 2.00! Each additional cards is only 25 cents.

Enjoy the weekend. We are supposed to get snow! COME ON SPRING! I am soooooo sick of this cold business. Have a good one :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just hatched

Three "Lumpies" and one Chocolate Easter Bunny.
I also sent lots of great art to my SALE page on in my Etsy store. Link on the side bar.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More Lumpies

If you missed out on the last batch of Pumpkinseeds Lumpies, check back here again very soon. There will be three new sculptures plus one Easter piece. Ya!

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop
