Sunday, November 1, 2009

sculpin fish

Check out what my daughter caught off the jetty here in Florence Oregon. Its called a sculpin fish. The pic does not show the fish "puffed" out but when he was his fins fanned out on each side and poisonous spines at the ends that give a painful sting. This is some type of bottom feeder that was a good CREEPY Halloween fish at best :) Of course, we sent him back like we do all the fishes of the earth.


Anonymous said...

Aren't those cool! We catch little ones in arkansas when we trout fish on the white river.

Janell Berryman Pumpkinseeds folk art said...

they are cool! VERY creepy and prehistoric looking. We dont fish off the jetty too often so this was a surprise catch for us. Sierra always catches the fish. No matter what it is :)

Sierra Rae said...

Correction to post...I keep fish to eat while mama does not. I got you to eat Halibut now I must have you eat my catch of steelhead :P

Janell Berryman Pumpkinseeds folk art said...

I only go so far my love. You where pushing it with those fish taco's ;)

Sierra Rae said...

heheheheh well you <3 the fish tacos they were yummy!

Lance said...

That is one ugly fish!

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