Thursday, December 30, 2010

Just finished two new sculpts. I should have them painted up by tomorrow. VERY fun, VERY different from my usual. Think.................. Easter. Yes, I'm wishing for Spring.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Correction on the last post. The two pieces will be available late tomorrow 12/23.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I just finished two sculpts. One is a Santa with a big ginger bread cookie and the other is a fabulous clown like pumpkin man with a skeleton head bucket. Both are not yet painted so hopefully tomorrow afternoon or so. Please check back again or check my website at the end of tomorrow.
Happy Holidays to all~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Update on some Christmas characters

Update: I've finished my assignments early and am working on two Christmas characters. One Santa and I believe the other will be a snowman. Santa is nearly sculpted and he is SO cute! The snowman is still in my head. Both should be done by late tomorrow or Thursday. OH you wont want to miss these!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

just a reminder of what drinking and driving can do

This was sent to me and is worth a view if you or someone you love needs a reminder of why its unacceptable to drink and drive. Sent out this Christmas season... but obviously a good reminder year long. Please do not drink and drive. Ever.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Kokshi "Kookshi" Christmas

45.00 each! Five inches tall. Sold out of all of other Kooksh's so if you inquired about these in the past here are two up for sale :) Christmas wooden cuties!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Enesco artist proofs

Not only do I have some sale pieces I just posted today but ALSO I listed three Christmas Artist Proof pieces. There are two Santa's and a super cute Snowman. You can read about what "artist proofs" are on the page on my site at Here is one of the jolly o souls:

Sale pieces

This is the time of year I am preparing for Christmas and Halloween for 2012 with Dept 56. Still no excuse for not posting a hello or update here. I am guilty! As I see the date on my last post... I did however put a few pieces on sale! Visit Check out my folk art sculpture page for current prices and availability. The season is here!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Painting up another 6 x 12 acrylic. This one is a Frankenstein :) Should be done by tomorrow. Will be posted on my website. xoxo

Friday, October 29, 2010

Updated website ... Halloween and Christmas pieces

Up for grabs once more (payment never received) is this fun large skull Skelly sitting on a vintage style JOL. I also added a mad scientist and a sweet hot cocoa Santa. xo

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Check out this: Amanda features artists and for this third week of October she was kind enough to post an interview with me :) Thank you Amanda!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Steampunk style robots!

Just posted these on my website at Two super cool steampunk style robots! Metallic finishes on both. Fun!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Halloween Skelly n Christmas Snowman

2nd update for the day... in addition to the folk art girl painting there will also be two sculpted figures. Sweet Skelly man holding a Skelly doll and a SUPER cute snowman wearing a pastel snow suit. These two might be completed tomorrow. Update to follow. xoxo
Currently working on a 12 x 9 folk art painting of a folk art girl. Should be completed and up for sale by 10/4/10 (monday). No need for a frame. This one is ready to hang. Love themed.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

update on my reproduction line

I have received quite a few emails in the past couple of months asking about my reproduction line continuation with Enesco. The line has been discontinued. I am now working with Dept 56. This past year I designed a series of characters and from that an entire line of gift ware items to match. Dept 56 will launch this design in their Jan 2011 showroom in Atlanta. I am very excited to share with you what we have come up with but you will have to wait :) Needless to say, the Halloween and Christmas items will be fantastic!

And to hold you off till then
I do have some rare Halloween and Christmas artist proofs that where designed for my 2010 launch with Enesco. Since my transfer took place with Dept 56 I have ONLY these proofs and none of these pieces ever made it to production. So collectors please check back on my website ( under "Artist proofs" within a week or so. These are solely one of a kind items never to be manufactured.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Special items woweeee!

If you loved the lapel pins that where made by Enesco last year you might love these as well! For a limited time I am offering very special Christmas and Halloween magnets. These rare reproduction items where never released to the stores. I have a handful of each design so hurry and grab them while you can! So fun... great gifts... and affordable!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Halloween ornaments now available!
Also check out Skelly Rider (see below)

So sweet

Life been throwing lemons at me left and right and today I dodged one by finding this at my door. Thank you Sierra my sweet baby girl. Always in my heart. I am one truly lucky mom xoxoxo

Skelly Rider delivering pumpkins Halloween style!

Just added this piece to my site and soon followed by four Halloween ornaments. Just finishing those up now.

Monday, September 20, 2010

This week I am working on some Halloween ornaments (four) plus a really cool crow with skelly rider on an antique wooden post. Come back soon! will post pics as soon as I am done. xo

Thursday, September 16, 2010

pumpkin head painting

One last item added to site this afternoon.

New additions this week! Top painting is a dark skeleton man with crackled wings painted on a gallery wrap 5 x 7 canvas. Bottom fellow Halloween Tomato man :) Halloween is near....

Monday, September 13, 2010

NO pictures here at my blog for the two newest website additions. You must go to to see a VERY special priced Day of the Dead Skelly girl and a sweet Tomato head Halloween piece. Yah!
Its been a few days since my last post. I have been taking a few days off to collect thoughts and get a bit more organized. I also worked on two new sculptures that are nearly ready for my website. I have one Day of the Dead Skeleton girls with a really cool crackled winged heart charm and a super fun Tomato Halloween man. I should have both posted either this afternoon or early tomorrow morning. More soon.... xoxo

Monday, August 30, 2010

What's that sound? Paint splashing in the water, clay rolling through fingers. Two new pieces arriving soon. Love wacky Santa's? Boy I've got for y0u. I also have a day in the dead skelly girl in the works. Come back soon!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Just started working on some full bodied Snowmen. Didn't someone out there want a black one?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Two Ghosts and a Halloween Princess

You definitely will want to come back later today to see a few spooky sweet Halloween ghosts I summoned out of the clay. Each will be around the 60-70 $ range. I also found in that lump of clay a girl. She is very similar to some paintings I did a few years back. She too will be Halloween style. And of course, the trio will be available at

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Move complete!
I will be starting some Halloween pieces today.
Work space feels really good. I just wish it where not so hot!
Check back again soon.
xoxo :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This girl is on the move once again. Life changes. Places. If there are any items that you would like to purchase off my website please let me know before Thursday 7/29. I will be packing up shop and then unloading and setting up next week. I'm so grateful of supporting positive friends whom have stood by me and for the support of sales through this site and others. Always in my heart. Janell

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Amelia the beach girl

She's done and I am pleased. I worked hard on creating a
ceramic baked look on her surface. She's now posted at

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

work in progress piece

Ever get in a creative slump? That's been me. BIG TIME. Work work work then stop. Now my engine wont start. So I sketched and sketched and thought of something inspiring to do. Something different. Take it, its coming out nothing like what I did on paper but ya know, that's the fun of it all. She has a stone like finish. This is all just base coats. Excited to do the "waves" on the bottom. Liking her so far I hope I dont mess up. Fingers crossed. Maybe done tomorrow. :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Enesco Pumpkinseeds Christmas and Halloween

Wanna take a peek at this years newest Pumpkinseeds Christmas AND Halloween characters from Enesco? According to Cherry Lane's info these will not available till August. So pre-order and use the coupon below! Cherry Lane has always been a wonderful supporter of Pumpkinseeds and from the feedback I have received over the years they also have fabulous customer service. So watcha waiting for?? :)


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Surprise finding! Old Pumpkinseeds repo stock

Found a box... what's inside?

OH I remember this year...

Pending yet ANOTHER relocation for myself, I found this box full of old NEVER released ESC characters while digging through my studio stash. These are from the first reproduction company I worked with back in 2004?. Small family operated establishment. These are my artist proofs. They never made it to the stores. So unique that I forgot I even had them. ha! If any one is interested in purchasing any of these just let me know. In photo you can see some 4th of July patriotic pieces, a Valentines he and she set, some flowers for spring along with a chick and some bunnies. These pieces have my signature stamped into each piece so that is unique and a fun surprise. I can also sign each piece if you prefer. These will not be posted any where other than here.
Others still available. ONLY 35.00 each.......................................... hurry! Artist proofs are one of a kinds!

Closed shop

If you bookmarked my Etsy shop, you can UNbookmark my shop because I have closed the doors. Virtually no traffic and extremely slow sales. Not really sure how much marketing Etsy does but it surely was not working any longer. Take it, this economy is not helping a bit. So onward ho! chugga chugga choooo chooooooo.
So to take its place is a new venture! Check out this:
I worked on a few photo's of my favorite characters this year creating some unique holiday folk art greeting cards and note cards! Do note, if there is an item offered by CafePress that you would like to see my art on, please let me know. I can add any of my images to their mugs, tee's or whatever other goodies they have to offer.
So visit :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Updating on the snowmen head ornaments. Looks like tomorrow they will be ready. Something came up and I got a bit sidetracked. Sorry for the delay. xoox

Sunday, July 11, 2010


In the works are 5 snowmen ornaments. Snowball heads with cute little hats. These should be done by 7-12. So check back then. Prices will be 27.99 each.

Friday, July 9, 2010

attention gardeners

Can someone tell me what this is? SWEET fragrant wonderful flowers.
The plant itself is not that pretty and the flowers super fragile.
I am not a gardener but I adore flowers. As most of us do :)
Could this be in the jasmine family?

Yo ho ho and a bottle of yum!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Shipmate skelly talkin' t' listen up

New in th' works be a Halloween Skelly Buccanneer! Ye dont want t' miss ou' on this guy. Unique skelly skull that be adorable! Come aft soon t' view!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Reporting spammers link

blog issues

A friend of mine just told me that she could not post here on my page. I had some unwanted visitors post foul links last month so I had to set up "moderate". Seems it prevented comments from being posting or made it difficult. I have fixed that this morning. I will just have to really watch my blog and chase off s p a m m e r s . So give it try again lets hope its much easier :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh neato... dont look if you dont like snakes.

So this is what Kate catches in the yard. Nice.... NOT. I dont like spider or snakes (I feel a song coming on...) and this snake is no exception. My guess is its a harmless (tell my heart this) garter snake. Kate wants to keep it for just the day. whew........

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop