Thursday, April 28, 2011

snowman on a birch log arriving soon

Today I am working on a little snowman sitting on a birch log. Yup, back to sculpting. I will post a notice here when he's ready for sale :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

cut out brown bag pumpkin man

I've been gone for a few days because of a move. Unfortunately it was not to the coast. If you follow my blog you know that move is always in the back of my mind and forever etched in my heart. But its not time yet... For now I have settled in a small town just south of where I was prior. Its nice. Interesting... small, dated, friendly. Good for now I suppose. This little house will suit my needs as I explore my new life. Hopefully creativity comes into full bloom. We will see. I am hopeful.

Exploring some new idea's brought me to sketching on brown paper bags. I just love the grit and tooth of brown bags. Add some charcoal, pencil, watercolor and here is what came to mind. I also cut him out in hopes of doing something with him. What is is, I do not know... not yet. That will be tomorrow. I did enjoy the freedom of a pencil vs clay. So relaxing. No, I'm not giving up clay. Just taking a few days off with my old stick friends :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Little Pumpkinseeds in Etsy shop!

If you have not visited my Etsy shop in a while... take a peek. New Little Pumpkinseeds Characters just added! See link on the right side of this blog :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

More one of a kind reproduction pieces never released

Found two more very rare artist proof reproduction pieces while packing and getting ready to move... here at two pics of a Carrot man and a 4th of July Sailor Cat. These can be found here:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

super rare artist proofs now available

Above is a link to my "artist proofs" page. I just added two great pieces from my own personal collection. I will be moving in two weeks and do not have storage space for all my things. Hopefully I can post more items in the upcoming weeks. You can read about Artist Proofs on my site to understand how rare these two are.

Pumpkinseeds Originals Folk Art Janell Berryman: Halloween weekend art completed!

Pumpkinseeds Originals Folk Art Janell Berryman: Halloween weekend art completed!: "As per requests for more Halloween sweetness... just completed today!"

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Oregon coast from above :) There is this amazing pilot that I know who thinks I am pretty darn special enough to take with him to see the earth from above. Seeing the coast line from this angle was one of the most exciting days I have experienced. Like so many of you, I truly do adore the sea. If you have been with me reading my posts over the past few years you know how special this must have been for me. Oregon is all its beautiful glory. What a grand day it was xo

Monday, April 4, 2011

NEW Snowmen just added to

Visit for 4 brand new sculpts! These two Christmas buddies plus two Halloween pieces sweet as apple pie :) See pic below xo

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cute Halloween alert.... x2! Arriving soon.

3 inch Gnome in my Etsy shop

Not quite "mini" but small.
3 inch Gnome now available!
check out my Etsy shop. Link on the right.

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop