Monday, December 28, 2015

I noticed the other day I have no halloween pieces in my shop!  I quickly worked to remedy that.  In my Etsy store you will now find an adorable 6.5 inch tall Ghost and a 7 inch tall Pumpkin man!  here is a pic :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Arriving this Thursday are some fun pieces!  I had sold a few Christmas chickens before I put them in my Etsy shop so I've made one more. Super cool!  And two brand new SUPER awesome Christmas pieces.  I did some research on the hipster look that is so trendy right now.  And I came up with a hipster Santa and a hipster Snowman.  I can't wait to share these with you! I will post photo's here and on facebook and then to Etsy. 

Happy holiday everyone :)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

christmas art!!!!!!

Christmas pieces!  I will be listing these tomorrow for sale in my Etsy shop.  These are on the smaller end of the scale but over all not like the mini's I sell. 
Left to right:
Wagon and snowman with cut tree's 70.00
Penguin on metal sled with gifts 65.00
Penguin on ice cubes 55.00
Snowman heart broken 38.00

Shipping will be my priority standard of 6.00 any where in the US. if interested prior :)

Finishing up for adorable Christmas pieces!  These are all very affordable and simply darling!  One is a mini snowman on a sled with gifts, one is a sad snowman with a broken heart, the other is a mini snowman on a wooden wagon and lastly a penguin on a stack of ice cubes. 

CUTIES ALL WAITING TO BE PURCHASED! soon......................... 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

christmas penguin

I'm working feverishly on Christmas characters.  Some sell before I can list.  If you have any special requests let me know.  For now I have this adorable penguin that is wearing an monster hat.  I just listed him in my Etsy shop

HURRY great price!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2015

November is here!  October now a blur... Time for Thanksgiving and Christmas goodies!  In the works are a few Thanksgiving owls, a Pilgrim turkey and two of those cool tall birds (unsure if they will be holiday related or not). 

Come back in a day for pics!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

These little monsters will be available tomorrow

Yes, these will be for sale tomorrow unless you email me prior and nab one or two up!  Mummies and one skelly with bow tie 28.00 each and the bunnies are 34.00 each.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Creepy Snowmen all in a row....

One has sold but two are still available.  Check my Etsy shop... link on the side bar.

So here was 2015's special Halloween Ghoul.  Frank has been sold.  I still wanted to share pics :)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Special Halloween

Every Halloween I make one special piece.  Something that is a bit different and very unique.  This years is one of my favorites!  No hints...  no peeks.  You will just have to wait and see! 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


SALE has begun!

SALE and Halloween and Vine

Just got home from this years Halloween and Vine show!  What a blast!  If  you are new to my blog please bookmark this site as I often do updates, post new art and share lots of photo's! 
I will be having an after show sale!  This will be on my regular WEBSITE and not thru Etsy.  I will post the sale here with a link when I'm ready.  It will be ALL Halloween! 

Here is one pic (I wish I had more to share).  The show was just about ready to start.  If I get more photo's thru friends I will post.

The gal on the left was wonderful!  My little helper.  She truly saved the day xo

Friday, September 18, 2015

Halloween and Vine 2015

Final reminder of the Halloween and Vine show set for Sept 26th, 2015 in Petaluma CA.  I will have over 100 Halloween art pieces!  Please come visit this wonderful festive spookalicous show and say HI to all artists!  Its going to be awesome! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Etsy shop!

I'm currently working on two Santa's.  A tiny break from Halloween...  Actually, not so much Halloween as it is the color orange.  :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Halloween Snowman orders

It seems like I've fallen off the face of the Earth...  Lots of things have transpired over the past 4 months and all of which have taken me away from what I love to do.  Art.  I squeezed in what I could but now... I'm back in and ready to sculpt! 

Today I finished two wonderful pieces.  One of them so fun I'm offering him as an order.  Yup, first time for everything!  He's this really cool Halloween Snowman.  Approx 5 inches tall delivered to you if you so desire.  You can find him the order page here on Etsy...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

NEW HALLOWEEN ART..... finally.

The two sitting Pumpkin men and the one taller (small) pumpkin second to the left are now available in my Etsy shop.

The two sitting pumpkin guys are a new style!  Super cute and deliciously halloween!!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

I'm back to work after more than six weeks of down time.  I've relocated to Washington state.  All boxes unpacked and work station set up :) yes!  New art arriving this week!

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop