Sold Available through my etsy shop. This is the first 2008 Halloween sculpture for this year! Title "Don't let the bedbugs bite" as skelly wears his jammies :) Have a safe New Years!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
SWEENEY TODD~ If your a Burton fan and love Johnny Depp this is a must! Just got back from seeing this movie and I loved it! It took me about 20 minutes to get used to sitting through a "musical" (not my thing) but once I "got it" I really enjoyed it. VERY much! I recommend this flick to all (unless you cant stand the sight of blood...).
Sunday, December 23, 2007
My daughter and I decided to make home made marshmallows. I will tell you that these little morals are insanely delicious! It wasn't hard to do at all. Just a bit messy at the end. Fabulous to eat and even more pretty to look at. We are now having a cup of hot coco with lumps of yumminess floating on top. I am crawling out of my skin with hyerness!!!! Happy Holidays~ xoxox
We lost Stumpy today. She passed away in the middle of the night. She was a sweet very old goat that we took in about a year and a half ago. We will miss her greatly. xoxoxo
Check my website and click on the news link. I am offering two Santa's. Photo's will follow.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Just added lots of fun holiday items to my etsy shop. If you have not yet been able to stop by here is the address for you: Some of the pieces I want gone before the end of the year and a few have been discounted up to 50% off. Remember, these make great unique gifts that cant be found in your crowded department stores! Happy holidays~ This Santa is now sold.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
~~~~Happy Thanksgiving to all~~~~
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Me and my shadow... Roxy is keeping me on my toes! You forget how much fun and work puppies are. She is giving me much more than I could ever give her. And yes, my cats are still queen of the house. xoxoxo
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Since Roxy has such a fluffy coat it seems to attract all muddy mess from her outside walks. So she gets her bath daily. She has double in size in two weeks and put on 6 lbs! She can sit, shake, lay down and we are working on "stay". Smart as can be I tell you. As much time as she requires (where's my paint and sculpt time going????) she is worth every minute. Just look at those eyes : )
Today I had a special visitor. He came to me while peacefully having my noon lunch. Perhaps the guilt of eating his brothers and sisters... which ever way you look at it, he came to haunt me. Meet Potato chip man. Untouched. Uneaten. I think I will save him for awhile. Usually he shows up in my popcorn. Multiple times. Disguised. This could be why I dream weird. Oh well. He is a nice friend who gave me a quick laugh : )
Meet Roxy! We just got Roxy today 10.27. She's a standard poodle. I will post more pictures in a few weeks because I know she will be growing so fast! Oh so cute!! xoxoxo
Just added this Halloween treat to ebay. I am really in the Halloween mood. More than normal. Something about the chill in the air and the fire in the wood stove. Ah : ) Watch for more Halloween goodies next week. Perhaps some ghoulish papier mache might come your way....
One of the rescued goats we took in last year. Still working on trying to pet this old sweet girl but not with much luck. We took in two of these pygmy's and this one is shy and the other a bit less... Both so sweet and from what the vet says, old old old. Could explain why their little tongues hang out... no teeth! And I believe both have arthritis. They have a bit of a limp. All in all they made a great addition to our growing family : ) xoxoxo
New ACEO's listed on ebay at 9:00 am August 31. Its now 12:09 and none are showing so if you would like to view these new auctions please cut and past the item numbers above.
Lots of folks still having major issues with ebay. Today, again, I list multiple auctions, all of them HAVING to be 10 days due to listing not showing up until up to 12 hours later than them actually being posted. I do not like having to spend the extra few cents in order to get more exposure after all, could this be why ebay is doing this? Get the extra .10 times 1 million? Or however many people list? Then there is rumor that if you use ebay's photo hosting you get immediate exposure... I found that to also be false. So now I read about a lawsuit between sellers and ebay. This is the second one I read. Who knows if its true, who knows if it will work. All I know is that sellers are paying for time they are not receiving. I find that unacceptable. Who buys 9 eggs? Who purchases a car with three wheels? Who WANTS only 9 eggs or a 3 wheel car? Not I.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Halloween 2007 release This might be it for the season. I will be doing some business traveling in the months to follow but if time allows I will try and add more original art pieces to my site. Above are three new pieces that look terrific grouped together. Nice ghoulish friends!
Do you know that Cannon Beach Oregon has "domesticated" wild bunnies hopping about town? Its true! I kick myself for not having a camera.
XM radio has commericials? Its a fact! So you when pay for special commercial free radio think twice. They get away with it because they dont call the commercials, commercials, they call them sponsors.
Meet Spanky Do. Just one of the few loved cats here at home. We found Spanky Do in a dry creek at our house 3 years ago. So glad we did for more reasons than the obvious. xoxoxo
This might be something people see all the time but we are clueless. Can anyone tell me what this is? Click on it and it will zoom in for a better picture.
Thanks to all who have written about the Cicada bug. I still have yet to find another but I can hear them loud and clear up in the tree's. I have been living in the Pacific Northwest all my life and this was my first sighting. Really cool bug and history... the buzzing they make might be an something you learn to love. So far its not happening... ; P
Here is a helpful link I found while being terribly frustrated with ebay's "indexing". I do not understand why sellers are paying for 7 full days and receiving only 6. If this "indexing" is causing delays in publishing auctions, then ebay should credit the sellers the hours lost. Am I so off here? This is a bit like the post office and their raised fee's. Get less service for more money. I promise my next posting to be on a happier note...
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
June's memory quote: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
This is the last week for about a month you will be seeing any new art on my site. I tried real hard to add as much inventory as I could prior. Its that time of year when I prepare for my "other" art job. I did paint one Halloween painting today. Its a 6x6 gallery wrap style. Painting took me over 5 hours. Lets see, 5 hours into 40.00. Guess that's over minimum wage.... ha! Oh how that passions burns. If you folks get a chance do stop by ebay Pumpkinseedsoriginals and my site to see the latest. Orders have been coming in more often now so folks are starting to get the Fall bug (I know, but this happens every year.) Hopefully, by the end of next month I will have a few new papier mache HALLOWEEN treats to share.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The circle of life
Stealing cat food one morsel at a time...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Spring has barely even started here in Oregon and my good old friend is back. Poison oak. And again, it has found me.
Kauai was wonderful! Just had the best time ever. So lucky to have shared this with wonderful friends. My daughter and I enjoyed the beaches, the native Hawaiians, their culture and friendliness. Hopefully someday we will return. One of the best adventures we experienced was a catamaran trip on the Na Pali Coast of Kauai. We sailed back inland with just the breeze and some wonderful music. Pictured above was a lucky shot of a pod of dolphins swimming next to the boat. Fantastic! Word of caution to anyone who heads out to sea... DO take your sea sick meds. I did. Some didn't. The ones who didn't spent the entire trip hanging their heads off the back end of the boat. Gross.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Pretty brown butterfly was nice enough to stay so I could snap some photo's of him. I tried to take a picture of this enormous bumble bee but he was much too busy tasting each and every flower in the garden bed. I believe this butterfly was sun bathing.
Tomorrow my daughter and myself are headed to Kauai. First vacation in over 14 years. I know, sad. But think of how grand this trip will be because of that. Hopefully I can post a few pictures of own trip when we get home.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Here is my sweet Dora. This is the only cat I have ever known that actually gives real hugs. xoxoxo
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Experimenting with color and texture pink, orange, white and sky blue Beautiful colors!
My favorite funky garden frog. Hopefully before summer arrives I can get the new pond in and give this guy a better home. This could be the beginning of funky frogs adventures. hmmm