Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Three hearts and well wishes

These will be arriving soon. Hearts a plenty! Love is in the air with February right around the corner. Valentines pieces are always a challenge and this year I thought it would be fun to do some simple textured hearts. I am hoping to post these for sale soon.

And most of all HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL! Lets all hope with all our hearts that 2009 shows positive steps towards a better tomorrow.

So be safe! Have fun! xoxo

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New additions just completed

New additions just completed. All can be found on my website at There are also other new pieces up for grabs too! Don't miss out... xoxo

Monday, December 29, 2008

Both of these ghoulish delights are currently on ebay. Both auctions end on Thursday!~

lab coats?

Christmas... what a rush! As quick as it came it left just as fast. We celebrated with friends the last of the Christmas holiday yesterday evening. I knew when I woke up it was time to get back to work. And I am eager. So, what's in store this week? I started a few Halloween, some Valentine pieces and 2 "lab coat" fellows. Not too scientific, just plain ghoulish fun! So visit back again for another posting on where to find these brand new 2009 goodies!
Have a fun and SAFE New Years night xoxo

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

New goodies

The two Lumpies (skelly guys at the bottom) will be available through ebay on Dec. 24 at 1:00 pm. Frankie and the folk art angel are available now on my website at under "folk art sculptures". This is the last of the 2008 pieces. New items will arrive January of 2009. And dont forget to bid on the lumpies!!!!! Ebay user name "pumpkinseedsoriginals".
Folks, its STILL snowing!!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

update and warm wishes

Well, Christmas is almost here. My shopping is complete. Just counting down the days till Christmas morning. Just a week left to go. Yah!
If you feel like being good to yourself with a treat or two, do stop by my blog tomorrow for the latest update on more Lumpies. I will have two plus a folk art angel.
So happy holidays to all and to all a good night!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New sculpture now available!

With all this cold, and I mean COLD weather going on around here in Oregon, it was a good time to finish this new Spring Bunny. We woke up to 11 degree's. And more snow and cold and freezing rain on the way. If this moves East... beware folks! No joke. Since I am a California born and raised girl this is still hard for me to get used too. We have been here in Oregon for almost 5 years now and this was by far the coldest we have experienced. So time to stoke that fire and get that roast out of the oven. Its smelling awfully delicious!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Its lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you

The sun is now out. So much prettier! Lower photo's where taken at 6:30 am. It's now noon.

We knew it was coming plus more is on the way. I am so relieved that I canceled a business flight out. This is what we woke up too this morning. And its sooooo cold! Crashes every where. Portland is a mess. We live about 2 hours away from there but it seems most of the state got this beautiful treat. Beautiful but all beware. There is a frozen layer under all the prettiness. Great day for staying in. Schools closed. Time to wrap gifts, have a hot cocoa and keep that fire blazing :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

aceo's both halloween

Just finished these two cards and they are up for bids on ebay. Click here to take a peek.
Might take a while for them to show. ebay is back at there delay listings. grrrrrr

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Valentines and Easter... what?

I am moving along and skipping a few months here. Just had too. And it felt so good :) Just finished these sweet collage - sculptures of two small hearts. Plus on my site is a Skelly Bun Bun. What is that? You have to go see!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Clown Angel and crazy mushrooms

I will be posting these shortly to my website. My hosting company is down at the moment. Do come back to view these sweet goodies!
UPDATE: My hosting company is down until tomorrow. I will post these for sale here. The clown angel is 4.25 high, shimmer bronze "wings" and striped body. 65.00 for him. The mushrooms are 23.00 each. tallest is 4.25.
Things should be back to normal tomorrow. Thanks~ Janell
UPDATE #2: Hosting company goes down, so do my emails... You can contact me at Thanks once again~~~~~~~~~
ALL SOLD thank you for your interest!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

spookytimejingles blurry view

Its no fun showing you all the goodies in store for you
on the 13th of December when www.spookytimejingles releases this months treasures.
It will spoil the surprise!
You will have to come back to take a peek then...
Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Reindeer Skelly ho ho boo

Reindeer Skelly here with some frightening news... only 16 days left before Christmas!
ho ho boo

Friday, December 5, 2008

"Wicked" Witch plus a holiday treat

Available on my website!!!
Remember, FREE shipping all this month! 20% off ANY Pumpkinseeds Original off my website. This offer is good for one item. Good till Christmas! This is a special holiday treat. xoxo

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bee, Snow Angel & Uncle Sam

All of these just added to my website at
For this Christmas season its FREE priority domestic shipping on all my sculptures and paintings off my website.
Happy Holidays

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

After Thanksgiving news

Update from me. Sorry that I will not be listing any new items tonight on the STJ site. I decided to spend an extended Thanksgiving with my family. I will, however, be offering some snowmen this week plus a few other goodies so be on the watch and check back here for current news. All new items will be posted here and additional photo's and prices on my website at xoxo

I hope every one had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I sure did :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Elf's special delivery

Eeek, what's inside the gift box? This is "Elf's special delivery"...
Wishing everyone a very wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow. I will be taking (as well as everyone else I am sure) a few days off to enjoy with my family. Be back again next week! xoxo

Happy Thanksgiving to all~~~~~

Monday, November 24, 2008

Smoking Pipe Snowman

Just finished Smoking Pipe Snowman. 8 inches tall. Smooooooook'in cute! I also added some stuffed snowmen ornaments to my etsy shop. See side link.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Alice in Wonderful - Depp

First photo release of Johnny Depp in Alice in Wonderful
Can't wait for this one!

Crossing over is hard to do........

Leaving Halloween, *sigh* and entering the Christmas season is always hard to do. So to ease my jumbled mind I did create three Christmas pieces. With some evil flare. Prices start at 55.00. Of course, three Halloween pieces are also in the group :)

Just finished this one also. VERY cool unique piece. Check it out!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Santa's "other" helper

Since I have been fighting with myself trying to get in the "holiday" Christmas mood, I decided to just go with the flow. This is Mr. Coal, Santa's "other" helper. I have a few more Christmas
bah humbug delights in the making. OH and 3 Halloween in store for you this week.
Of course, Mr. Coal is hiding on my wesbite

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lumpy Ghoulies and Skinny Santa selling wreaths

Lumpy Ghoulies have arrived as well as a Santa I have been working on for about
a week. Santa is selling his Christmas wreaths. ho ho ho ho ho ho ho boo
ps all the Lumpies have sold but the Santa is still available!

Coming soon

Arriving soon... (tonight) one skinny Santa that I have been working on all last week plus one or two little skelly lumpies. What are lumpies? Come back to find out!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


This fellow wandered into my head last week. Meet Tim. Tim can be found at my website

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christmas painting now available

I am receiving lots of requests for Christmas paintings. Here is the first. Nice 4 x 6
canvas done in acrylics. Framed too!

Skeleton painting

Here is one of the items I have posted up for grabs on This is a 10 x 10 gallery style canvas that needs no frame. Just hang upon its arrival! This is a collage - acrylic piece. Halloween never dies. Live on!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

sneak peek of sorts

Here is a tiny sneak peek of what will be available on tomorrow! There will be additional pieces also.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

what's happening this week

Last week I was feeling a bit under the weather so I am playing catch up this week. Right now I am preparing for release of new works on the 13th (just 2 days away!). I will have two Halloween sculptures and 2 Christmas sculptures with one additional Christmas snowman ornament. Hopefully I will have a sneak peek picture posted here by tomorrow.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Day of the Dead and Santa

I believe this to be the first Day of the Dead piece that I have made. Sure was fun adding
bright pinks and oranges to a skelly girl! And also just completed is a Santa in all of his
traditional colors.
All can be found at

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New additions

Sweet Santa ready for bed plus two birds. One is a cake head and the other an ornament head. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thanksgiving Joy Ride

Just finished this Thanksgiving piece. He's available on my website. This will be the only Thanksgiving piece this year so gobble him up!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Black birds
I have to apologize for the photo quality of these two black birds.
Black and white is so hard to capture with clarity.

Update for the week

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween weekend. I know I did :) Also treated myself to a day of wine tasting with friends. All of us got lucky, the weather was just perfect. I kick myself for not bringing my camera. I promise next time I will remember. The view from the tops of the hills over looking the orange, yellows and brown foliage was insane. Topped off with a pre-storm sky. Outstanding.

So what's in store for art this week. I have some black birds, more blue birds (unless I change my color pallet), a snowman, a turkey and a Santa. I should have the birds or a few of them done by tonight. So check back later today.

Enjoy your week my friends!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Watch for the Garden Variety styles...

First off, let me tell all of you sorry for messing up the comments. I tried to have it where you can just post without my permission and then I did something else. I just signed in to see 20 messages that did not post. My apologies! See, Dani, I am even blog challenged....

What's in the works, well, how about three veggie figures. Super DUPPA cute and its been a long while since I have done any of these. Radish man reappears after about 9 years of silence. Tomato man and carrot head are snapp'in there fingers at me right now to hurry up because they are naked! So off I go. Do stop by again to see the new species. xoxo OH and Happy almost Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New arrivals!

Just hatched!
Hurry three are 65.00 each and the reindeer is 70.00!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Give away reminder and more!

Don't forget about my FREE give away posted below! Do drop a comment in "that" posting and you will automatically be thrown into the kettle for a Pumpkinseeds Enesco Pumpkin man! See rules.

Also, watch this week for little sounds of peeps... blue bird peeps. Two Christmas, one love and one "I" am just awesome bluebird. He came out so cute he did not need a costume :) All of these should be done either late tomorrow or Wednesday. Check my site.

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop