Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Check out this great Halloween swap! Visit Ambitions Design link to the right for details!

rainbow at sunset

Storm leaving~ I captured this picture last night just before sunset. This was a long lasting rainbow. Watched it from outside our bedroom slider. So pretty!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spring ya!

Spring was here this weekend and I caught a few critters out and about. The banana slug posted is what Roxy loves to lick. Is that gross or what??? The sticky yucky slim gets glued all over her mouth and its impossible to get out. SOOOO nasty. We have so many of these slugs that even under my watchful eye she sneaks in a lick or two. Even though I hate these things you have to feel sorry for them... can you imagine being licked by a giant dog???!!!
The lady bug posted was just another sign of a sunny wonderful day :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Today I stopped by my best friends workplace. I have not seen Amy in a few months.
We gave each other a giant hug. It reminded me of how very important friends are.
Always remember to love. Always remember to take the time to love.

half a day at the lake with Roxy

Spent a half a day at the lake today. No rain!! Ya! Although still chilly here in Oregon. Roxy had a wonderful time. She loves rocks and as you can see from the picture she was in heaven. So many to choose from! She loved checking out the geese. Almost too much... So many people are shocked to hear that Standard poodles have that bird hunting instinct but its true. Believe me. The last trip to the river was frightening. She jumped right into the swift current of the river in an attempt to get the birds! Now, she is leashed. Close call....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

From Freckleberry !

Thanks Sheila! Click on Freckleberry's link posted here to view her fabulous blog and SUPER Santa's!

aceo garden gnome

This is it so far for the week. I am making Santa's for two shops and that is why its been quiet here and on etsy. When all the Santa's are completed I will post a group photo and tell you where they will be headed. Santa collectors, dont miss out! These batches only happen twice a year. AND these are my best ever :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

art cards

Just joined a site called artcardswanted. To visit my new store click link above or go to and type in Janell Berryman. I listed 4 cards there, all Halloween.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Get the best gas price in your neighborhood

New papier mache sculptures

Here are the three new pieces I just completed. These are on my website at and are available for purchase. Its not too often I "do my own thing" without the influence of a holiday, a theme or because I know its appealing. These are images that flash in my head and dare to come out. These are the criminals that taunt me to come out and play. These are freedom.

men men men men

Three new sculptures arriving soon. This is a sneak peek at the first one completed. When all are done I will post a group photo. Any interest in them please email me.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Graveyard Angels now appearing

Here are the three remaining Graveyard Angels.
1. Wicked
2. Rest in Pieces
3. Till death do us part
I am adding these to Etsy this afternoon.
There is also a Halloween Fool on Etsy. I just posted that this morning. Check him out! Click Etsy links to the right.
Enjoy the WARM weekend!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Graveyard Angels appearing soon...

Its been quite a long while since I made some new papier mache Halloween pieces. I would like to offer more but because of other commitments these dont come around as often as I would like. I am excited to tell you that I just finished a batch of Graveyard angels. If anyone would like to reserve one of these please email me. All the others will be sold on Etsy. You can reserve, view, then decide if you would like the piece. I would appreciate a quick response so I can post them for others to purchase. Prices will range from 95 to 125. Give r take.
There will also be a Halloween Fool character available through etsy before the weeks end.
Here is a "sample" picture of past Graveyard Angels in case you missed viewing them. These are sold. New ones are a bit bigger. to reserve

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Doll challange

Here is my submission for the dolly day challenge. Faerie Window asked that for today we submit our favorite doll. The troll is my entry. This doll has been with me since... forever. The reason why I choose this "doll" is that is has a sentimental story. This is the doll I cuddled with at night (ya, it explains a lot). I actually had two. The other half of this ones size. Both went everywhere with me. This red head "Damn It" doll stands about 18 inches tall. I used to spend the night at my grandmothers house and bring along this troll. She used to tuck me in at night and pick up the troll and ask me time and time again, why "this" doll? Then she would laugh. See, she didn't like the troll because in the middle of the night it would fall out of my bed and hit the floor like a brick! She had hardwood floors. Poor grandma would wake up and be frightened thinking something was wrong. But it was only me and my troll.
The other two that stand beside the red head are some pieces I picked up probably from that auction site. Although not of sentimental value they do bring me a smile. They both get top billing in my cabinet of curiosities :)

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Sea

Something different this time around. Inspired from this past weekends trip to the coast. Although it rained and rained... AND rained it was still a great trip. Someday I will live by the sea. Sigh...

Sunday, April 6, 2008


4/6/08~~~ Just put on sale more than a handful of aceo's at my store. Lots of cards below 6.00. I would love to see these find new homes so I can offer more. Dont miss out :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Kate, my daughter taught Karl this cool trick :)


All of these plus more where added to my website at Photo of the cat and owls came out too light but it does let you see detail.

Moth warming in the sun

Even a moth is anxious to enjoy the warmth of the afternoon sun here in Oregon. I also captured a daffodil trying its hardest to open. It was a wonderful crisp sunny day today. I am sooooo ready for summer. What a long cold wet Winter and Spring it has been.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools Folk Art Girl

As soon as Etsy is back up and running this will be posted for sale. Nice 8 x 8 inch gallery wrap just finished for today's special day... April Fools Day hense 401.

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop