As soon as Etsy is back up and running this will be posted for sale. Nice 8 x 8 inch gallery wrap just finished for today's special day... April Fools Day hense 401.
she is gorgeous:) i read your comment on Sheila's blog and came over to invite you to play on tuesday april 8 for my doll challenge...come over to my blog and sign up if you are interested!!!
oooh...I really like her piercing green eyes! Lovely~
I'm gonna check her out on ebay!! The nose is always the hardest part for did it so well!
Thanks girls! I just posted her on Etsy. I am trying to not list things on ebay right now. I am still on protest ; )
Janell ~ FUN piece & happy April Fool's Day!!!
PS: Love my clown punkin'!!!
CK :-D)
Ooooh, she's pretty.
she is gorgeous:) i read your comment on Sheila's blog and came over to invite you to play on tuesday april 8 for my doll challenge...come over to my blog and sign up if you are interested!!!
She is wonderful Janell! I love the color choice!
Is there anything you can't do. Paint, sculpt, tile! Can you drive a stick? He! He!
Great job! love the mixed media background and beautiful painting!
kari & kijsa
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