Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools Folk Art Girl

As soon as Etsy is back up and running this will be posted for sale. Nice 8 x 8 inch gallery wrap just finished for today's special day... April Fools Day hense 401.


~dani~ said...

oooh...I really like her piercing green eyes! Lovely~

Marie Patterson Studio said...

I'm gonna check her out on ebay!! The nose is always the hardest part for me...you did it so well!

Janell Berryman Pumpkinseeds folk art said...

Thanks girls! I just posted her on Etsy. I am trying to not list things on ebay right now. I am still on protest ; )

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Janell ~ FUN piece & happy April Fool's Day!!!

PS: Love my clown punkin'!!!

CK :-D)

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, she's pretty.

Lori said...

she is gorgeous:) i read your comment on Sheila's blog and came over to invite you to play on tuesday april 8 for my doll challenge...come over to my blog and sign up if you are interested!!!

Kim Hardt Originals said...

She is wonderful Janell! I love the color choice!

Is there anything you can't do. Paint, sculpt, tile! Can you drive a stick? He! He!


kari and kijsa said...

Great job! love the mixed media background and beautiful painting!

kari & kijsa

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop
