Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Graveyard Angels appearing soon...

Its been quite a long while since I made some new papier mache Halloween pieces. I would like to offer more but because of other commitments these dont come around as often as I would like. I am excited to tell you that I just finished a batch of Graveyard angels. If anyone would like to reserve one of these please email me. All the others will be sold on Etsy. You can reserve, view, then decide if you would like the piece. I would appreciate a quick response so I can post them for others to purchase. Prices will range from 95 to 125. Give r take.
There will also be a Halloween Fool character available through etsy before the weeks end.
Here is a "sample" picture of past Graveyard Angels in case you missed viewing them. These are sold. New ones are a bit bigger. to reserve


Anonymous said...

I like your graveyard angels...and your new look. I also like that ACEO of the sea with the little house.....alot.

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Janell ~ I got such a chuckle from your new banner!!! TOO FUN!!! LOL '-)

PS: That is funny, but more so sad there being a Toys R Us next to the Winchester House. :(


Janell Berryman Pumpkinseeds folk art said...

Thanks about the banner. It did its job!

Now that I moved away and saw your pictures it hit me how strange it is to have the two sharing a fence. But that is San Jose for ya. It was nice seeing it again :) Such beautiful pictures. Makes me miss home...

Marie Patterson Studio said...

Those graveyard angels are creepy and cute at the same time!!! Love them!! Here's a snippet of me....I love to visit graveyards and take pictures of the headstones!
MOMA pics are up....come take a look!

Anonymous said...

Ha! The banner is so fun!

Janell Berryman Pumpkinseeds folk art said...

I love old graveyards myself. I have found some really great ones along the years. One of them was in Santa Cruz CA. Hidden away. Talk about graveyard charm. Tucked on the side of a hill surrounded by an old decorative rod iron fence. Tombstones dating way way back. Brought my daughter there so she could experience it. As we walked up the side of the dark hill surrounded by redwood tree's a man sat up from behind a tombstone! I nearly peed my pants! He was a homeless man just finding a restful place to lay his bones. ha! We never went back.

~dani~ said...

How dare you add all this creepy cuteness, while I am away!! I love them all! This is the series that first made me fall head over heels for your work.

p.s....I am (with 200 pics to load on flickr. ;)

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop