Sunday, August 17, 2008

Halloween many moons ago...

Talk about an extra special photo... This is a print of an original photo of my great grandfather. He is the one all the way to the left, standing. The lady with her arm around the little girl is my great grandmother and her daughter, my great aunt. My mother obtained this picture when she traveled back to her fathers home in Rockford Ill a couple of months back. Is this not a gem???!!! Check out the skull.


Anonymous said...

That's a great photo!! What a prize.

~dani~ said...

Wow, that is a keeper!!! Don't you just want to share it at that photo site we were on a few months ago?

Well now we know where you get it from!! Good ole Great Gramps gave you his Spooky genes!!

Leah's Art Magic said...

Awesome photo! Treasure for sure. :) Looks like they were having fun!


Marie Patterson Studio said...

So Halloween DOES run in your blood!!!! What a precious momento!!! Thanks for sharing.

Christopher A. Klingler said...

GREAT pic Janell! What a treasure.

Hope this note finds you well & have a great week!

Spooky Hugs,
Chris :)

Melissa said...

What a wonderful photo!

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

Look at the costumes!!!! Great photo to have and I think there must be a genetic link in there somewhere!!

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