Monday, August 4, 2008


I will be in and out and all about (do the hokie pokie and turn yourself...sorry) for the next week and a half. Folks arriving from out of town, a visit to Washington for a parents night with Kate (ya!) and some work related things.
I will check back a few times at night and before I forget, does anyone know of a good remedy poison oak? I am loosing the battle BAD. Doing all the over the counter stuff and its not working. Almost ready for a doctors visit (which I dispise). Let me know if you know of something. xoxo


Anonymous said...

Have fun with your guests and your visit with Kate. Unfortunately, the only thing I can give you for your poison oak is my sympathy, you must be miserable.
Feel better soon.

Barbara said...

Well, unfortunately, I'm a pro when it comes to poison ivy since me and my boys are all HIGHLY allergic.

First, wash yourself and anything you've touched with HOT water and lots and lots of soap. Shower (or shower the area) frequently if you're still breaking out. The rash is caused by a reaction to the OIL in the leaves, and you will continue to break out as long as even one molocule of the oil is on your skin. If you have a pet, wash it too, because they can carry the oil on their fur from one place to another where you might come in contact with it.


Barbara said...

If you continue breaking out after the first day of heavy showering and washing (I wash EVERYTHING), try to think of unusual places the oil might be on that comes in contact with your skin. Once it took me DAYs to figure out that is was the shoulder strap on my car (I had been gardening at a friend's), and I broke out and broke out and broke out until I degreased that belt. I ended up on prednisone for that one. :)

Most of the over-the-counter stuff will help a bit with the itching (nothing really seems to help...

Barbara said...

...with the itching, in my opinion). We tend to use alcohol on the rash itself as it seems to help dry it up, although it is harsh.

Sorry it this is too much info, but we've had it so bad that one of my boys was nearly hospitalized. Then I was sent to a day-long seminar, and now I understand the process of it better, so we rarely have a problem anymore.

Love your blog! Barbara

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Get better soon!!!

Barbara gave great advice. Pure Aloe helps with the itch & healing too.

Spooky Hugs,

Marie Patterson Studio said...

Great advice on the poison oak!!!! Thanks Barbara

Janell Berryman Pumpkinseeds folk art said...

Great advise and tips Barbara! Pam thanks for your phone call. I picked up the vitamin C and started that yesterday. Just had a small heat wave come through here and I will tell you .... poison oak and hot weather are NOT good. Again, thanks for the tips!

Anonymous said...

Your welcome Janell! I was glad to hear that the Aloe vera spray helped too. I hope you feel better soon!!!

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

I have a sister and nephew that have a terrible time with it and they live in a wooded area in Missouri. Believe it or not one of the docs told them to take clorox on a cotton ball and swab the area with it after showering. Nephew swears by it and ran a mowing service in the heat. Seems extreme to me but it works for them.

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

I have a sister and nephew that have a terrible time with it and they live in a wooded area in Missouri. Believe it or not one of the docs told them to take clorox on a cotton ball and swab the area with it after showering. Nephew swears by it and ran a mowing service in the heat. Seems extreme to me but it works for them.

Kim Hardt Originals said...

Oh sorry to hear about the poison oak. I got it so bad when I was a little girl. I still have scares all over my belly from it. I wish I could help you out in that area. Try not to itch! I know easier said than done!

Have fun with the folks! Talk to you soon!


Unknown said...

We have used tea tree oil...looks like you have rec'd a lot of advice. Hope one works! I enjoy your art, it puts a smile on my face :) Take care, Jackie

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

For our family, sometimes the only cure is to go for the "big guns" --a prescription of Prednisone.
I really love your work, btw.

Lance said...

kalamine lotion or however you spell it is good.

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