Saturday, August 30, 2008


Tomorrow my daughter comes home. Its been the longest 5 weeks of my life! I am excited to hear about her experience with Northwest youth corp. I am certain this will be something she never forgets. I am so VERY proud of her for completing the work program. I could never have done that at 17. Any age for that matter... can you imagine sleeping in tents on the ground and getting up and clearing brush or building bridges... for 5 weeks??? That is what she has been doing. Curious as to what she will do with her first big paycheck. Bet it burns all the way to the bank!


Unknown said...

My daughters name is Kate too...she is the "k" in JAK. I bet your a proud momma, I would be have raised her well. I hope my kids do something like that when they are older.
Have a wonderful homecoming with your daught :) Take care, jackie

Kristen Beason said...

Hi Janell~
Glad to hear that you'll have your daughter home soon and that's an impressive job she finished. I'm sure it was a great learning experience and it's nice that someone so young accomplished it. Way to go! I need to check your blog more often, great posts. I LOVE your felted figures! Sounds like it was a fun class.


3rdEyeMuse said...

sounds like Kate has a real good mama. :) hope you two have been having a great time catching up.

Marie Patterson Studio said...

((hugs)) I'm sure you and Kate are catching up!

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