Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Original Santa plus Celebrate 365 signed magazine

Just remembered: See the Santa on the Celebrate 365 logo? Ya, the guy in red. He's mine. And available! And original! I also have a signed copy of this magazine that will go hand in hand with the sale of Sweet St. Nick. Inside the magazine are some nice articles and photo's of glass ornaments, Christopher Radko's anniversary ornaments, fabulous photo's of artist-friends works all of which are too many to name plus tips and advise for collectors. You will receive Sweet St. Nick (approx 7 inches) (give or take, he's at my house in Eugene at the moment) plus a signed copy of this magazine (front cover signing). 300.00. (other artists have sold sets like these for over 1,000) That my friend is a amazing! One of a kind BIG TIME :) ps there is also a photo of a Snowman of mine on the inside center page. Although he has been sold I did sign above his pic as well.
Finally home and finally ready to get into gear! It will be so busy the next 6 months. Original artwork scarce. I will do what I can to try and keep some new items available when I can. And as I usually do, I will post some pics or current news here first. For now, if there is any item off my website that you have seen and would like to inquire about, please write. For the first time EVER I am open to offers. Reasonable ones as I know you will do ; ) This artist, like all other artists must eat. And due to my new venture with D56 I must get creative financially. SO, go take a gander. Anything tugging at your heart strings?

Friday, January 22, 2010

On my way home. Clock reads 4:40 but its 2:40 am. Fuzzy brain. Traveling is tough. GREAT meeting. More later.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I had such a great visit with my friend and buddy (yes, two different things) Dani. She has returned home and I am sure recouping from her visit. That 3 hour difference will get you! Today and tomorrow I will prepare for my trip to Minneapolis. I meet up with Dept 56 and get some plan together for product idea's for 2011. Boy I hate flying. Love it as much as I do celery. And if you know me, even typing that horrific "c" word sends shivers down my spine.
When I returned I will get that one Valentine Skelly finished up and ready for sale. He's a cutie that I sculpted while having fun with Dani. We had so much to do during her visit that I never got a chance to finish him up. So watch for him next week. Bye all~~~~~~~

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dani's Skelly man

Posting these two photo's of Dani's skelly man so you can see how fun and spooky he is. Lov'in the hair, teeth and glossy eyes. As you know Dani is here visiting and in our spare time we did some fun projects. She finished up this guy and seriously, he's a kick! I wanted to share. She put a lot of time and love into him as she does with all her work. xoxo

few pics

I took these two pics off facebook just in case some of you dont fb. Dani and I where on the coast at one of my favorite places here in Oregon. Cape Perpetua. Drive to the top of a mountain, park, walk through a beautiful sea of native plant life surrounded by moss covered tree's that lead to you this amazing rock hut that over looks the pacific ocean.
If I can get my sorry ass out of bed this morning, hopefully we can get more time in at the beach. Roxy my dog needs a run and I need more ocean spray!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sorry for the lack of photo's. Today we will be snapping pics for sure. Dani and I will head up to Jo's place of "cart before the horse".... so excited! I've loved Jo's work, for years. Plus add that she's cool enough to live on the coast ; ) Dani and I will also stop at one of my favorite beaches and see if we can find some sea glass and agates. There is also a big sea cave that hopefully we can get too if the tide is not too high. What a day it will be :) Fun fun FUN!

Monday, January 11, 2010

What a week this will be! I have a very special friend arriving in just a few hours. So many wonderful things have taken place since the start of the new year. So this week I get to spend it with Dani Nelson of Ambitions Designs. Or known as the owner of Spookytimejingles.com :) Not only will we be kicking around having fun but also Dani will be helping me prepare for my year with d56. We will be sitting, sketching, shopping for texture, ribbon, materials, samples but also exchanging idea's. Add in this trip a visit to Jo's house of Cart before the Horse! Can I even stand all of this??? Throw in a birthday party for my daughter Sierra and I have the most outstanding week ever! I know Dani will enjoy the pacific northwest. We will be taking our camera and snapping pics. I am not one to post photo's of myself too often so I need to get over that because I know Dani will insist! So off I go to the airport~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be back soon :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Exciting news :o)

As some of you might know, Dept 56 has been purchased by Enesco.
And you know that I have a wonderful line we have built up with Enesco.
What's the news?
I will be working with Dept 56 starting on a brand new line of fabulous
products and gifts and MORE starting 2011.
This is a very exciting move for me. I look forward in bringing YOU a continuation
of folk art figures plus so much more.
This also means work work work! In the following months ahead
I will attempt to offer originals but they will be very limited.
Enesco will also offer past works plus the new 2010 items (which are exciting!).
Those will be limited.
Thank you all so much for your continued support.
I look forward to this new adventure, with you~ xox

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

LOVE is in the air....WIP

In the works:
1 Seaside Skelly holding Valentines day heart
2. a Valentines skelly wearing sweet clown like shirt

Amazing :)

So excited that 2010 is here! I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends during the holidays and New Years. I have so many wonderful things to share with you but not yet. In time... and that will be very soon. Till then I will post items as I always have been. Starting off the new year with 3 brand new Kookshi dolls! I finally created another page on my website where you can find these evil-n-sweet Japanese Kokishi inspired creations. Above is a pic of what I just added.
Happy 2010 my friends :)

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop
