Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Three Skelly's painting

This is now available on my website at www.pumpkin-seeds.com, the painting page. I will also be updating my etsy shop this week. Do watch for some aceo's coming soon. xoxo

Monday, September 29, 2008

Folky Red Sexy (?) Witch on black cat

HALLOWEEN is getting closer and closer! Get those decorations out and enjoy them. I did! I am still working on it. Also looking for cool tombstones for the yard. Ones that wont blow away. Anyway, here is a Red Sexy Witch riding on a Black Cat. This is a papier mache piece now available on www.pumpkin-seeds.com.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Getting the Halloween decorating in order

Just a small corner of my house that is done. You can see a few delightful Halloween folk art pieces from fellow artists amongst the group. All are favorites. All I adore. Our walls (what you see is through out the entire house) make it impossible to decorate. And with Roxy thinking that everything on the ground is hers I feel so limited. Hopefully this weekend we can do the front yard. This really gets me in the Halloween spirit! Oh and Dani kicked me in the pants to get this done. Visit Spookytimejingles.com for more pictures of artists decorations VERY soon!

I also updated my painting page on my website www.pumpkin-seeds.com with this, 2006 addition.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Halloween ornaments and more

Update on Roxy-a-roni. She's back to normal! So happy :) And so is she.

I was able to finally finish all you see with this posting. I started these days ago but with Roxy being ill I lost a few days. There are two Halloween sculptures and a handful of Halloween ornaments. All of them on my website on the sculptures page.

Monday, September 22, 2008

If you keep up with my silly blog you will know this is Roxy. World's best dog! Well, to me she sure is :) Anyway, two days ago she stopped eating and has been vomiting nothing. I brought her into the vets and she seems to have some type of inflammation in her intestines. They took blood so tomorrow we will know for sure. She is doing ok but very sad and not herself.
As miserable as she must feel I just about died when I got the bill. With the xray, blood work, pills, ear cleaning, emergency exam... grand total 532.00. YIKES! For all the admiration I give to her wonderful vet I still am in "exam" denial. So very costly. Being lucky that all of our animals have been so healthy perhaps I have forgotten how much these things cost. Sigh. This was a friendly reminder.
So saying that, tomorrow I must work my butt off and get some things made. In the works will be a few Halloween ornaments and (crossing my fingers) a couple of Halloween paintings. I always post the latest works here so check back again if you are interested.
So back to snuggling up with my Roxy girl. Vet says to cook her some rice. I think a bowl for her and one for me is perfect :) Lets hope she keeps it down.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Halloween downloads

I found this fun link while peeking around this afternoon. Fun Halloween downloads! This site has fun Halloween recipes too but you must register to get those. Still a wonderful site to view!


Friday, September 19, 2008

Owl and Candle Man

Halloween is getting closer and closer.... I am really in the mood! Here to help ease the anxiety are two new creations. The Owl with Witch hat and Candle Man.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Santa comes to town....

The holidays will be here before you know it! Decorate in full artsy style with this premier Reindeer Santa! Just added to my sculpture page at www.pumpkin-seeds.com

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Halloween aceo's

I updated my etsy shop today. See link on the side bar to visit. Added three aceo's... all of them Halloween!

Wish I had other stuff to talk about besides "work" but its that time of season as we all know. Fall is almost here. I believe its Monday? I can see the tree's already starting to turn. As with most folks I adore Fall. But it also reminds me that Winter is right around the corner. I dont care much for the cold. All that wood burning to keep warm. Windows closed to keep out the chill. I feel like a hermit. I get serious cabin fever. As I am writing I can feel the walls closing in. Ah, change the subject for pete's sake!!

Subject changed.

Any news on Alice in Wonderful - Depp?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Halloween wall hanging

Just completed this piece. Again, this one will be on my paging page at www.pumpkin-seeds.com. Don't let this small wall hanging pass youone pass you by!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Remember to Walk Your Dog

Just added this creation to my painting page on my website www.pumpkin-seeds.com.

Friday, September 12, 2008

New Halloween AND Christmas folk art just added...

New folk art sculptures added to my website. To see it please visit www.pumpkin-seeds.com and click on the "sculptures" link.

sneak peeks come to life!

Both of these will be available through spookytimejingles.com TOMORROW Sept 13. You can pre-order! Just email me at Janell@pumpkinseedsoriginals.com

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

updates and sneak peeks

Sneak, sort of peek, at what will be available on the 13th at the SpookyTimeJingles.com website.
Pictures where of course, distorted to add intrigue ; )

Things going back to normal here at the house. Kate's home... ya! We are still catching up with so many things. What an adventure she had. Just wish they had fed her more.

In approx two weeks or so I will be back to regular business and adding more items to my Etsy shop, my Pumpkin-seeds.com site and ebay. I am nearly done submitting my Enesco pieces for 2009 so bare with me for just a bit longer.

I did spend one night staying up late completing a felted black cat box and that is for sale through my etsy store. Here is a picture:

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop
