Thursday, April 30, 2009

FREE give away!

To win this 4 x 6 skelly collage that I did.
NOTE: original post asked for you to write a funny but since that didn't go over well I am changing the rules. Just post anything. Say hi, dont be shy. And if you still want to be silly, then yippeee!
So post away :) MAY13th at midnight is the cut off. Winner picked MAY 14th 09.

Wooot wooot! It's done!

Its finally finished. If anyone finds a broken link or having difficulties navigating in any way please email me to let me know. You might have to hit refresh for a few of the pages.

And a special thanks to David of Without you I would still be weeping. xoxo

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Twisting my mind

Its now the end of the day and I sit here with a throbbing brain. No I am not sick with the swine flu. I worked on my website. It took all day just to do one silly graphic. After getting through some technical difficulties stemming from LACK of knowledge I am well on my way. Looks like this new site will be launched by the end of this week.... hopefully sooner. It will have a fresh new look with beauuuutiful graphics (pat'in me self on the back). I cant say there will be any new items but hopefully that will come next week. I also am going to "attempt" a mailing list. I have done this in the past and got overwhelmed from the whole thing. I think I have found a better system that will help me organize contacts and such. My long term goal would be to send out "occasional" updates and news postings. At the moment my blog is working that just fine.
I will post on here when my website is completed. I hope all whom visit me can take a peek and if there is something that does not work or looks whacked out, please let me know.
Its off to bed I go. Throb throb throb.

Monday, April 27, 2009

One done and two more to go!

I've been painting this since 7:30 am and its now ready to view. I was hoping to finish the others but there is no way. So check back again tomorrow ~ jb

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Halloween skelly, flower girl and Halloween clown

I have waiting to be painted, three really cool pieces. One is a Halloween skelly man, another a flower girl and lastly a clown that will be in Halloween theme. All three of these will be mounted on a square block of wood painted to match. All should be done by Tuesday unless I get a full day's work in tomorrow. Just come back again late tomorrow to see how I have progressed.

I hope every one had a wonderful weekend. We sure did. Although there was little sun and a few sprinkles here in Oregon, it still was nice. A wonderful bbq and some outdoor fun. I love summer!

Come back again soon if you want to see the newest batch!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Artfire shop

Next week I will be having a grand opening of my new ArtFire Pumpkinseeds shop. I will post date of opening early next week.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Halloween and two spring

This is it for this week. Here is one Halloween white pumpkin man, a flower girl and Sweet bunny Bobo. All have been added to my website at

Also, do check out my ebay auctions I have listed. I just added a bunch of items including aceo's, three of the brand new paper clay dark art sculptures and a few misc crafting supplies. All art cards start at 4.99. The dark art start off at 24.99! If you wait till the last minute you can miss out. And for these prices why not start the bidding now? No, I am not begging. I am just wiping the dirt off my knees from gardening.... :P

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ebay ACEO's for sale

Selling 9 original art cards through my ebay store. Here is the link. All cards 4.99 each! I also just added all three dark art sculptures. 24.99 each. ALL are paper clay. :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Holiday Robots

These are now available to purchase. Each robot is approx 4.5 inches tall. There is an Uncle Sam robot, a Halloween pumpkin robot, a Christmas tree robot and lastly another Americana 4th of July rocket uncle sam robot. There is also a rabbit arriving soon. He did not fit well with this group and they kicked him out. So I will post him later today :) xoxo

Monday, April 13, 2009

this week april 12, 2009

Also, I wanted to post an update on what's up for this week. Robots! Small 3-4 inch tall holiday robots. DO come by again for a peek. These should be done by mid week.

message just in time

Talk about good timing... Lorrie from "our name is mud" (awesome mugs and gift ware goodies) send me a box with some wonderful gifts today. This one in particular I had to share. This 2009 has been probably the worse year so far to date. With barely a light at the end of the tunnel and opened the box to find this message staring back at me. Whew. I am, we are, going to be ok. The mug says so!! Take a deep breath in and start the day over. How wonderful to take sips of coffee and find this at the bottom. Really. So thank you Lorrie! And all who have not seen Lorries blog or mugs and such please take a peek. She is so creative and you will love reading her blog stories that will just crack you up :) xoxo

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Finished Santa, Snowman and Skeleton man

Reindeer Snowman, Ashes Ashes Skelly man and Sage Santa are now finished. Now off to start some paintings. I found some super cool mini canvas wood panels yesterday. Kind of excited to paint on these. Hopefully the paintings will be a good addition to my Etsy shop, which is very low on goodies. Bye bye for now~~~~~~~
ps here is a wiki link for the info on the Ring around the rosie nursery rhyme.

Monday, April 6, 2009

This week

What's up for this week? How about a a Santa, a snowman and a Halloween figure? Can't say much else because I am still in the sculpting process. All are looking great so far! For the Santa collectors... Since these take me much longer to sculpt I dont create as many as I would like. This guy is sweet. And very much like my older style Santa's.
Post again either later tomorrow or Wed. Ta Ta!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Etsy shop sale

I have added 9 items to my SALE page in my Etsy store! Do stop by and take a peek. Some of the newest items are the papier mache - paper clay dark sculptures. These too where also added to the sale page! What'cha wait'in for???? Halloween????

Halloween trio AND website changes

Our first sunny kinda warm day and I spent it inside making changes to my website... Oh, did I say it was fun? Ya, I did not. Its all good when things go smoothly but how can that be? grrr. So I am typing this with a big fat 40 lb feeling boulder on my shoulders. Why does stress go there? I am in need of a serious dose of Tiger Balm. OK, now I feel much better... (not really but I didn't want some Saturday negativity thing going on). As you can see the above Halloween trio actually started this whole adventure. They did not fit on my page. SO I added a NEW Halloween ONLY page! All other sculptures will be on the "other sculptures" page :) DO take a peek at these guys. Two of them are very different from what I usually do. And the JOL is my usual but he's extra sweet!
Happy weekend to all. Now, mine will start. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Update on the Halloween trio. I have them completed and attempted to add them to my website but due to some spacing problems they wont be up for viewing until tomorrow. I am thinking I need to add just a Halloween page and have all other holiday pieces on another. This will help the download time too. So till tomorrow... :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

WIP Halloween creeps

I am snapp'in out of the funk here. Motown is helping... FULL BLAST! Total of three. Its kinda feeling good :) Thanks Laurie!

Also, check out this link. STJ is participating this year. Great fun for all~~~

mixed media robots! just 75.00 each in my etsy shop