Thursday, April 2, 2009

WIP Halloween creeps

I am snapp'in out of the funk here. Motown is helping... FULL BLAST! Total of three. Its kinda feeling good :) Thanks Laurie!

Also, check out this link. STJ is participating this year. Great fun for all~~~


Chicken Lips said...

Love those legs! Yeah, music helps get me outta my funk - listening to some DEVO right now - that always helps me!

Anonymous said...

I admire your work so much... I can't wait to see it done!

Nat said...

Love the movement, looks like he has got a groove going on. Love your imagination, I am sure he will be something spooky fun...........

Unknown said...

Janell...Wonderful...cant wait to see the end result...pretty cool


Lance said...

these will be killer! I especially have a good feeling about the top one. Glad you are getting out of the funk. I'm listing to some coldplay now to move me along.

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